Mollie Character in Haert | World Anvil
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Mollie Kingsjade Mollie (a.k.a. Mollz)

Mollie is a root Ahmegg who is very inexperienced in how Haert works. From a young age she has lived with a human called Erik on earth. She has no idea how she managed to get there but at the Ahmegg age of 16 she somehow found her way back there. Through meeting her friend Tenrenn she is learning the ways of the world one step at a time. She is a light grey tone and wears a tiny blue hoodie that Erik made for her, which she cherishes dearly. It was quite obvious to Erik and herself that she is not a regular Earth mouse. For one thing she can float a short distance off the ground which is a sort of cantrip she can use without much expense. Another thing is she can speak English and Root Ahmegg and walk on two legs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mollie has the average stature for a Root Ahmegg. She comes at around 4 inches and is quite slim. But the longer she stayed in Haert the more muscular she became due to wielding very heavy swords.

Body Features

She has a light grey tone to her fur with an even lighter shade around her belly and hair.

Facial Features

She has quite short ears with long whiskers coming out of them. A small nose/muzzle and greenish/brown eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Her trademark blue hoodie that she always wears.

Physical quirks

Is a real tomboy and can be quite boisterous when she wants to. She also sometimes speaks in English slang that other Ahmegg do not understand.

Special abilities

Can float a short distance off the ground as a cantrip. She learned some magic from Tenrenn as well.

Apparel & Accessories

She always wears a blue hoodie and very often carries a large green, crystalline sword that looks somewhat like a cricket bat.

Specialized Equipment

She specialises in wielding large blade weapons. She also loves to dance, she is not particularly good at learning other dances from Ahmegg cultures but she loves to do Shuffling and the Running Man.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mollie was born in a native Root Ahmegg town in the year 763, but at a young age was somehow transported to earth with no memory of her birthplace. She spent the whole of her childhood and her adolescence in the home of Erik Jam who treated her like a younger sister. But while he was at university she accidentally fell back to Haert and ended up in the town of Oakfoot. There she met Tenrenn who helped her try and find her way home.

Gender Identity

Cisgender female.




Has no formal education or schooling, Erik taught her the basics such as reading and writing but she never went to an actual school because she's an anthropomorphic mouse.


During her stay in Oakfoot she made her money from working odd jobs around the town. She worked in the bar, did lumber work, helped do construction work for a family who were adding extensions onto their house. Beforehand, she was known as a monster hunter and adventurer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Learned to become emotionally strong as well as physically. She was somewhat of a bully before she met Tenrenn but he managed to turn around that brutish mentality, albeit through a frightening experience that involved a large predatory creature.

Failures & Embarrassments

She is heavily embarrassed of how she treated Tenrenn. The experience with the large animal snapped her out of that mindset. Essentially he mouthed off at her which made her snap out of it but her feelings were cemented when all the shouting attracted a vicious animal which hunted them down. Both of them fell down a steep hill and Mollie hurt her ankle. Tenrenn was actually conflicted whether he should leave or save her. On one hand she had said and done some horrible things to him, but on the other hand he wasn't a mean-spirited person and decided she was worth saving when he saw she was truly sorry. After the event Mollie was very apologetic and tried her best to make it up to Tenrenn, eventually they formed a close friendship.

Intellectual Characteristics

Can speak English and Root Ahmegg

Morality & Philosophy

She now has a strong belief that if she disrespects people they will find some way to get her back. She is actually quite scared of hurting Tenrenn after what she did to him before. Although he has forgiven her she has a fear of hurting him. They have a lot of trust for each other and she would not forgive herself if she broke that.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to get back to her home in Basingstoke in England. But she slowly loses sight of that goal the longer she stays in Haert. She finds out that she made more friends there than she did on Earth. (I know it sounds cheesy but that's what happened.)

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good at adapting in dangerous situations, but is not very good at hiding her emotions. She can be very brash at times but has her friends well-being in mind.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves eating pine-cone seeds, hates the idea of disappointing Tenrenn or any of her friends, loves coffee, hates girly clothing, likes retro video-games.

Virtues & Personality perks

Good at making decisions, efficient at using large blade weapons, loves a good party, is good at impressions, is quite good at cooking.

Vices & Personality flaws

Has trouble controlling herself when drunk, has no filter when she is angry, she has trouble fitting in and tries to change herself to do so.

Personality Quirks

Has a very loud laugh. Is quite hands on when she is having fun; one example of this is she will playfully punch someone when they tell a joke, or she will grab Tenrenn around the shoulders when she is excited.


Is pretty good at keeping herself clean but never folds her clothes. Her jacket is always screwed up in one way or another.


Contacts & Relations

Is on good terms with a witch who lives on her own in a nearby forest. Mollie is also pretty well known in a town of Rock Ahmegg called HangStone. They know her because she got pretty involved at a dance event they were having.

Family Ties

Has none apart from Erik back on earth.

Religious Views

Doesn't really care but will let people believe what they want to.

Social Aptitude

Likes the attention when she dances.


When she wants to say something offensive but for the other person not to know she will say it in English. She also shouts the occasional slang term that will leave other Ahmegg giving her puzzled looks.

Hobbies & Pets

Likes to spar with her sword and have the occasional magic duel with Tenrenn.


Somehow she can speak Root Ahmegg, she doesn't know how, but will often swear in English or revert to speaking English as part of habit.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Mollie




Friend (Vital)

Towards Tenrenn




Mollie had picked on Tenrenn as Kahii-shen did. But on their journey he pointed out the things she did to him. Mollie was very apologetic after the incident with the large beast that chased them and they quickly became good friends.

Nicknames & Petnames

T, Tenny, Magic man

Chaotic goof (and no, I didn't mean good)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mollie Kingsjade, Kingsjade
763 975 212 years old
Circumstances of Birth
She was an unusual case in that she was an only child. Most Ahmegg are born with at least three to eight siblings.
Doesn't know.
Current Residence
Greenish brown
light grey, all at the front of her face.
4.1 inches
1.5 ounces
Quotes & Catchphrases
Fling it weh, Boii!, Sweet dreams, Fucko!
Known Languages
English and Root Ahmegg.

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