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A humble mage makes a humble fable.

Tenrenn the Branded Discipline Tenrenn (a.k.a. T-bone, T-buzz, Tezzers, T-bizzle)

Tenrenn is a Root Ahmegg from the town of Oakfoot. He has the day job of delivering packages from one town to another but has an affinity for the many forms of magic. He lives with his Uncle Gahkom who runs a brewery. Throughout his life he has been subject to a lot of bullying from other Ahmegg his age. He is pretty good at hiding his emotions and brushing off any afflictions they may give him. This is because it has just been going on for so long he has learned to make it seem like he doesn't care. When Mollie arrived in Oakfoot he thought she would go against the grain but she seemed to join in because she wanted to fit in with the populous. When he was called upon to help her find her way back home by the town elder Mr Sol-Ahviin, he decided he would be able to change her mind. By essentially shouting at her for a good few minutes she saw the wrong in what she had done and quickly regretted her actions. All the loud noise from Tenrenn had attracted a large predatory creature that chased after the two Ahmegg. During the chase, they both fell down a steep decline and Mollie hurt her ankle. Tenrenn managed to get up relatively unscathed but Mollie was unable to walk. With the creature quickly approaching them, Tenrenn was somewhat tempted to leave her and save himself. But even though she had hurt him emotionally, Tenrenn is not a bad person and saved her by firing a ball of lightning at the animal to scare it off, albeit after a lot of terrified pleading and apologising on Mollie's behalf. Tenrenn believed her given the circumstances and was willing to forgive her. They made up and slowly became very good friends.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is slightly taller than Mollie but not by much. He has longer ears and is pretty skinny given he doesn't do much physical work.

Body Features

Has a deep hazel fur colour with a lighter brown for his hair and a darker shade for his belly.

Facial Features

Has scruffy sideburns and a short beard.

Identifying Characteristics

His ponytail and bright red scarf that comes to a point at the front and back.

Physical quirks

Often Cracks his knuckles before operating magic.

Special abilities

Remembers almost every single magic rune in existence.

Apparel & Accessories

Has a scarf that he wears around his neck. It hangs down in front of his stomach and on his back.

Specialized Equipment

Specialises in magic and other intellectual subjects such as languages. Many magics are out of Tenrenns reach but he studies them none the less.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tenrenn doesn't really know his parents. They gave him to his Uncle Gahkom because they fell ill and didn't want him to catch the disease. They never came to reclaim him though. He still lives with his uncle now and earns a living through being a delivery boy. Since he was young he has been bullied by many of his peers and become pretty good at not giving them what they want which is an emotional response.

Gender Identity

Cisgender Male.




He has the regular education that Oakfoot provides which includes reading and writing as well as basic magic. But as he got older he taught himself the more advanced types of magic and more complicated spells.


He worked as a delivery boy in Oakfoot until he became a well known wizard and creature hunter later in his life when he went travelling with Mollie. This earned a good deal of respect from his peers in Oakfoot, although he couldn't really care less about them.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Is easily more emotionally strong than Mollie and can easily keep a straight face in many scary situations. He has a lot of knowledge of many different types of magic.

Failures & Embarrassments

When he does show his emotions they tend to be pretty extreme. He gets flustered easily.

Mental Trauma

Has a phobia of large crowds and groups of people his age.

Intellectual Characteristics

Is efficient in a large range of magic types and can speak at least four languages with confidence.

Morality & Philosophy

Knowledge is power.


Hates being pushed around.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to earn respect from people through his magical ability.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Magic and languages.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes learning and for things to be organised. Likes it when people appreciate him. Hates it when people, including himself, get picked on. Doesn't like roughhousing unless it is necessary.

Virtues & Personality perks

Pretty patient, good at hiding fear, anger and sadness.

Vices & Personality flaws

Is sometimes too good at hiding emotions making him hard to read. Often has a problem with guilt stemming from early on in his and Mollie's friendship.

Personality Quirks

Tends to lick his lips when he is thinking. Cracks his knuckles. He tends to avoid eye contact and his tail will sway when nervous.


Is very particular about keeping his belongings organised and will often clean up after his uncle given he is a drunkard.


Contacts & Relations

Good friends with Mollie and the same witch that she is affiliated. He has his uncle in Oakfoot.

Family Ties

His uncle Gahkom.

Religious Views

Believes in the same collective religion of the Ahmegg which involves the Great Ancient Giants.

Social Aptitude

Despite his reserved demeanour most of the time. One thing Tenrenn does like to do is have fun. A bar party or a festival are something Tenrenn would be wise not to miss.


Cracks his knuckles a lot.

Hobbies & Pets

He likes trying to make up new languages and then learn them.


Stutters a bit when he tries to speak quickly.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Mollie




Friend (Vital)

Towards Tenrenn




Mollie had picked on Tenrenn as Kahii-shen did. But on their journey he pointed out the things she did to him. Mollie was very apologetic after the incident with the large beast that chased them and they quickly became good friends.

Nicknames & Petnames

T, Tenny, Magic man

Wealth & Financial state

Towards the end of his life he acquired a lot of wealth as a Fable, but in the beginning he lived with enough to be comfortable as the dependent of a Megg with a successful business.
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Tenrenn the Branded

The Branded Discipline

891 962 71 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unknown. His parents were friends of his uncle and gave him to Gahkom as an infant.
Circumstances of Death
Lived to an incredibly old age for an Ahmegg and eventually became too frail to continue much longer.
Current Residence
light blue.
Short quiff at the front and ponytail at the back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Has a fur colour of a deep hazelnut with lighter colours on his belly, moving under his groin to his rear end.
3.91 inches
Known Languages
Root, Rock, Snow and Crested Ahmegg.
Character Prototype
Matt Smith

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