
When an object is alive, it gains (to degrees) the ability to think and move of its own intention, via Earth Magic.   Most living organisms use the effects of Alive to become Ensouled. Some species grow a piece of its mother's soul. Some capture souls from unwitting prey, Some pluck a soul from the multiverse. Having the potential for ensoulment is what attracts the closest soul, and binds it, regardless of owner.   Animate Inanimate objects are generally Alive, but are usually not Ensouled.   Alive can be disenchated by all Elemental Magic and by accrued physical damage.   Half Life Alive has a half-life. A very high level Alive spell may curse an object to eternal existence. Most uses of this curse are not so high level. In fact, many are poor. This leads to a high number of teacups and sporks becoming suddenly aware, but trapped in the form of a teacup or spork, and then dying in two years.   After a series of successful campaigns calling for humane treatment, the magic was eventually forbidden (outside of "approved" research of course). The remaining [Alive] objects are typically found living out their last days, in the homes of Animate Inanimate hoarders. See also Resistentialist Army and Lady Bellechester's Mansion.   Nobody knows how long they will live, only that whoever made them cast a high level spell for some reason. Whenever somebody dies, it is either because they were physically destroyed, or else their spell just ... suddenly stopped. So you could be talking to an old English clock, and mid-sentence, it just suddenly stops being alive. It's a horrible curse.
See Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues - Toaster See Supernatural Teddy Bear See Mongrels Teddys


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