
When an object is ensouled, a soul is bound to that object via Light magic.   Most living organisms sustain life by first sustaining an Alive effect. These conditions are ideal for sustained ensoulment. Some species grow a piece of its mother's soul. Some capture souls from unwitting prey,  Some pluck a soul from the multiverse. Having the potential for ensoulment is what attracts the closest soul, and binds it, regardless of owner.   Most animated Skeletons are ensouled skeletal remains of a particular species, and contain the original or other soul. However, the Light magic maintains this bond, and Alive is not needed.   Ensoulment can be countered by Void Magic.
ensoulment is the moment at which a human or other being gains a soul. Some belief systems maintain that a soul is newly created within a developing child and others, especially in religions that believe in reincarnation, that the soul is pre-existing and added at a particular stage of development.


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