Light Magic

Light magic is generated by nice things. Everything sweet from Unicorns to Rainbows to Glurge - but sweet in a superficial and alchemic sense, not moral alignment. Visually, Light Magic has a Lisa Frank aesthetic.   Light magic is also described as White, or Holy. The term "Holy" is used throughout the Empyrean Empire, with the underlying implication that their agenda is divine.   The Empyrean Empire discovered that when "nice" things are exposed to celestial radiance, they reflect a tapable energy, which can be captured and stored in Elysium Batteries. This discovery led to the formation and conquest of the Empyrean Empire, the development of Euphoric Architecture and automation of Glurge and Chuckaboo Honey production using Animate Inanimate labor.   Light (Axis 3, Positive)
  • Trait: Causes proportional increase in Charm
  • Color: Pink/White
  • Rewarded for: Arrogance (strength of belief)
  • Death: Ascends with cherubs
  • Nose/Chin Features: Elegant/Strong
  • Terrain: Clouds


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