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The Primacy is the regional government of the Fairelands and is led by an elected official known as the Premier. Members of the Fairelands Chamber, known as chamberlains, work beneath the Premier to make decisions for the region. The Premier wields absolute executive authority within their territory. Unless otherwise directed by the Prime Minister of Hale, the Premier also acts as the commander in chief of regional military forces in times of war. Additionally, Premiers serve as legislative members within the Halen Assembly, coming together to make decisions for the country as a whole.

The current Premier, Remedy Mallingson, is in her second and last term of office. Though she is considered a tough leader who is hard on crime and even harder to negotiate with, she is widely loved for successfully leading the Fairelands through the end of the war and beginning the work of rebuilding the region.

The Primacy oversees both the Periphery and the Judiciary within the Fairelands. While the Commissioner of the Periphery and trial judges are supposedly elected by the people, insidious political maneuvering means that candidates are regularly hand-selected by chamberlains to effectively rig elections by providing only Primacy-aligned options.

Notable Figures

  • Lucas Secco (he/him): A mousy secretary known for secreting the objectives of lobbyists into the Chamber agenda.
  • Alex Mbeki (they/them): A politician planning to run in the next Premier election. They have openly opposed the construction of the subway line in order to protect Oldfaire archeology.
  • Aisha Mallingson: The daughter of the Premier, she is famous for her work advocating for the arts, though she often collaborates with the Red Hand.

Notable Locations

  • Newfaire Capitol: A beautiful Art Nouveau building, its vibrant teal dome is considered an icon of Halen architecture. This building serves as the main seat of the Primacy.
  • Court of Common Pleas: Known for a lack of leniency, this court hears both civil and criminal cases.
  • Postal Service Center: The post office within Newfaire. Deliveries in the region are famously prompt. Certain mail carriers will act as smugglers, for a price.

Political Parties

There are two leading political parties in the Fairelands, each vying for conrol of the office of the Premier and the majority within the Regional Chamber: the Patriotic League and the National Progress Party. In the years following The Last Great War, with no foreign enemyto unite against, the political landscape is marked by incrased antagonism and polarization.

The Patriotic League

Premier Remedy Mallingson is the regional leader of the Patriotic League, which is a nationalist political party that emphasizes love of country and loyalty to Hale above all else. Members of this party believe that national identity should take priority over individual interests, and they show this belief by supporting policies that protect the ruins of Oldfaire. They also believe that a strong government must involve itself in the daily lives of its citizens in order to ensure safety, security, and economic growth. Mallingson is in her final term in office, and there is a considerable amount of infighting to choose the next Patriotic League Premier candidate.

National Progress Party

In opposition to the Patriotic League, the National Progress Party believes that the government should focus on individual freedom and personal responsibility. Members of this party feel that the best way to achieve progress is through a strong free market economy, and that government interference in that economy should be limited. They are committed to social progress and increased access to education and healthcare, though members of the party disagree on the best route to pursue these advancements. The current regional leader of the National Progress Party is a former scholar turned political activist named Nathaniel Lemaire (he/him).

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