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The World Adrift

Episode 1 of Arzet

Arzet, avatar of The Chimera, was born in the village of Adov - an isolated speck in the Deverkel Wastes. They were born to two Kobold  mothers - the town scribe, Barza, and a rancher by the name of Itko - with two older siblings, Aslo and Alba.   Arzet kept their identity under wraps as they grew up, and chose to live a normal childhood. They made friends with the local kids, worked alongside their family, and lived a wholesome if largely uneventful early life. Their family had some drama, as Alba and Aslo did not get along, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. The village flourished as merchants from foreign lands visited Adov more and more frequently, and all seemed well.   That all changed when the village was hit by a massive monster attack. The attack was a surprise as the creature emerged from the lake and slithered into the port before smashing through the interior gates. The village rallied together to slay the beast, but many were injured. This had been supposedly impossible: the neighboring citadel of Rolkirk was supposed to guard the eastern shores of the lake and patrol its waters. Arzet's brother, Aslo, brashly volunteered before the town to go to Rolkirk to demand aid and reparations - only for Itko, one of their mothers, to volunteer to go in his stead.    The family was divided, tensions were high, and the village was low on people and resources. Arzet felt in their heart that something was wrong; their other mother, Barza, agreed. Arzet followed Barza out of town, into the mountains, to the nearby wizard's tower. Barza pleaded with the reclusive wizard who lived there to cast something to protect Itko. The wizard was resistant to Barza's pleas until Arzet pledged themselves as the wizard's apprentice. The wizard them scryed on and was able to summon aid to rescue Itko. Arzet's family was saved, but they were now trapped working for a callous and mean-spirited hermit.   

Episode 2 of Arzet

Arzet spent almost five years working for the wizard Rekala, mastering the art of Wizardry. They also began mastering their Architect's power (the ability to summon ghostly vestiges from the distant past), and communed regularly with the specter of an ancient Nefkan Vesper Priest of Deraksa.    Slowly, Arzet and Rekala warmed to each other. Arzet proved to be a supernaturally talented student, though Rekala never guessed their true nature. Rekala began allowing Arzet to go back to Adov once a month to visit friends and family. A new regime displaced the old in Rolkirk, Arzet's older siblings both became recognized as full adults within the village, and all seemed well in the land again.   Of course, all was not truly well. The trade lines were dying, and bandits had infested the hinterlands. A strange group of Liberated Path Kivishta had set up camp some ways away and were gathering cultists from across the region. And when Arzet was 17, some old friends arrived at their tower door: the old gang of childhood friends, sans one. Their friends were there to beg Rekala for aid, as Arzet's mother once had - one of their number, a Prism named Mozler, had dissapeared two nights ago on the same night some livestock had been stolen. They suspected something bad had happened, and wanted help getting Mozler back.    Rekala did not help directly, but allowed Arzet to join their old friends as a way to test their new abilities. The group investigated the scene, discovered Mozler had been kidnapped, and tracked their abductors into the mountains. After avoiding a mutated victim of Gem Plague, the group discovered the bandit's hideout. Arzet, thinking they might be Kivish, got themselves captured on purpose. The bandits thankfully did not recognize Arzet's wizarding tools, and tossed them in their pit of captives - where they found Mozler, as expected. They've got their guy - now its time to break out.



  • Age Up and Get Ripped
  • Master the Arts of Magic
  • Protect Your Family and Village
  • Learn More About What Plagues the Land
  • Rescue Mozler



Rekala: Rekala is an old Pearl Pangolin wizard and Arzet's mentor. Rekala is an old, cynical misanthrope that once studied in The Darzan University before becoming disillusioned and setting up shop in Deverkel to study the atmospheric effects of Ederstone by herself. While Rekala is not heartless and is certainly not malevolent, she is mean and demanding.    Arzet's Family
  • Barza, mom #1: Barza is doting, friendly, and cautious. She has always been the peacemaker in Arzet's house, and something of the unofficial breadwinner. Barza once worked as Rekala's apprentice before she fled to town to marry Itko. Ever since then, she has worked as the town's scribe and is an invaluable asset to the town elders. In her success, she has become somewhat risk-averse, and she desperately wants the family to just stick together and keep their heads down. 
  • Itko, mom #2: Itko is a member of the village's ranching and shepherding community, helping tend to the village's horses, cattle, sheep, and critters. She is a pretty average citizen, from an established Adovan family, with experience in the village guard and working as a scout in a brief tour of service for Rolkirk. 
  • Aslo, older brother: Aslo is a human in a Kobold family, and was born two years before Barza and Itko's marriage. Aslo's other mother is not Barza, but a Hainish Spring Knight that had a brief relationship with Itko during to and immediately after her time serving as a scout in Rolkirk. Aslo knows this, and has idealized his knightly mother into a heroic figure he strives to be like. He wishes to be a paladin, a hero of the wasteland who can really help people. He is bold, brash, and has more heart than brain. Currently, he works with the town guard nearly full-time.
  • Alba, older sister: Alba is a child of Barza and Itko, and has a definite case of "middle child syndrome". She resents Aslo for taking all the attention, bossing her around, and for "dividing the family", and she resents Arzet for somehow overshadowing her despite being younger and getting even more attention. Alba is a quiet girl who enjoys books, reading, and storytelling. Since a young age, she has studied to replace Barza as the town scribe, though she feels quite isolated as few others in town enjoy reading (or even can read). Her isolation and resentment has festered into bitterness - but beneath all that, she loves her family above all.
  Arzet's Friends:
  • Wedrin, an older human about Alba's age that is friends with Alba and Arzet. He works for the local ranchers acting as a tanner and apprenticed butcher. He is somewhat aloof, very opinionated, and ultimately quite nice once he warms up to you.
  • Mozler, a Prism that ages slower than the rest of the group but ultimately is the 'heart' of the gang. Friendly, loving, trusting, and kind, Mozler is a friend to all the children of Adov. 
  • Macha, a dryad farmer with a chill personality and an open mind. Persistent, loyal, and curious. 
  • Oglan, a Half-Prism Kobold-born boy, who is quiet but seems to revel in moments of attention - a kind of shy class clown of sorts. Enjoys building things and has been learning masonry. 
Darana, Vestige: Darana is an ancient Vesper Priest of Deraksa, the Bat-Seer-Goddess of the religion of Zirun. She lived in ancient Nefka, a distant city of horrors, where she opposed the violence of the ruling regime. For her outspokenness, she was chained and thrown into The Vault of Nightmares as a terrible execution. This left her with a very deep distrust of authority, as well as a kind of cynical hopefulness. Her quirk is that she takes burial of the dead extremely seriously, as the dead do not deserve more pain or discomfort.


Ruwako the Green: An Uvaran priest and novice druid that is quite close with Barza and Arzet's family. Educated, idealistic, and friendly.   Kipilu of Many Colors: A Sunekan merchant that sells gunpowder and fireworks, Kipilu is eccentric and friendly - if a little evangelical. He seems to treat every interaction as a performance and greatly enjoys the spotlight. He originally ventured North to sell gunpowder to the Kingdom of Hain and to establish a business relationship with a group of Hainish knights - but was cut off from his company when they were dissolved by the chaos of the Eketeni civil war. In order to survive, Kipilu offered his remaining goods to the village of Adov in exchange for safe harbor - and is now stuck there, waiting for his company to reform and contact him. While he has been waiting, he's been helping out with the General Store and teaching Arzet about the world (in a very Suneka-biased way).
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