Summer Camp 2023 Pledge

I did it. I made Diamond+. Even with the extra two prompts added last minute, I completed all 42 prompts. I wrote 45,932 words. Yeah!!!!

Images created by Kat Sanders using Midjourney AI and Canva.

My Pledge:

Summer Camp 2023 Pledge by World Anvil
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline

  I will try to complete the Diamond level of Summer Camp 2023. BUT it's been awhile since I've worked on my Hall of Doors world, so I'll be happy with Copper. Still I'm striving for Diamond.   I'm going to be working in my Epic Fantasy world, Hall of Doors - Ustehall. Hall of Doors - Ustehall is a universe of worlds that are guarded by the Abalindi Beholo. However the Halls of the Abalindi Beholo have been abandoned for forty years.   I have chosen to work with the world of Mytilias, which is a high magick world where even the commoners can wield magick. I'm exploring a small set of islands in the middle of the ocean between Ofay, Poina, and Bas' Gate called Krug Islands. I haven't explored much of this part of Mytilias.   I'm looking forward to participating in Summer Camp again.   Kat  




Which are the powerful organizations within your world setting? Who are the powerful individuals? What kinds of power do they wield and what are their weaknesses and needs?
  Krug Islands are fraught with conflict in a variety of ways. The islands have been bathed in blood, not just in the past, but also now that Mytilias feels abandoned by their protectors, Abalindi Beholo. Krug Islands are made up of 11 islands. There are five main islands, three islands owned by powerful organizations, two private island owned by powerful individuals, and Gateway Island, where the portal to Ustehall lives.  


Where are the frontiers in your world setting? And why would anyone want to go there?! What about metaphorical frontiers, like the “frontier of medicine” or space, the “final frontier”?
  Krug Islands have slowly been abandoned over the last 4000 years (40 UYears) since the Ustehall portal has been silent. The organizations that currently own three islands have left a skeleton crew in place. The private islands are for sale, but no one wants to buy them. The five main island's populations have dwindled down to those who can't afford to leave and displaced children of the monarchies. Even though Krug Islands were a popular destination to live and play, there are areas, especially on the private islands that have yet to be explored.  


What aspects of the past are revered today in your world setting? Which peoples are remembered? And which are forgotten, and why?
The Abalindi Beholo have left behind many artifacts and relics over the time that they were in control of the Ustehall and the portals there in. They are mostly on Tor Island where the portal to Ustehall is located. However, some have migrated to other islands when the portal was closed and most of Tor Island was abandoned.   Also, there are various artifacts and relics around Mytilias as it has its own rich history and active deities. Throughout time, the Deities of Mytilias have created relics that help or hinder the people that use them. These may or may not be needed by the characters in the Hall of Doors trilogy being planned.  


How do people and organizations from different backgrounds or cultures communicate with each other? How does communication happen over short and long distances? Who in your setting communicates secretly or carefully, and how?
Communications comes in a variety of forms that not only allows one person to talk to another across the world, but also across the universes. There will be a postal service, rituals, scrying, media, and other forms of communication. There are secret and not so secret organizations that take secrets to a new level, including communications.  
Olde Map of Mytilias
An Olde Map of Mytilias
The World of Mytilias by Kat Sanders
This olde map was created years ago, and not just in world. I drew this when I was 19, 30 years ago.
Krug Islands were The Circle Islands back then.

Event Name

Summer Camp 2023


Kat Sanders


Copper Power
10 out of 8
Silver Frontier
10 out of 8
Gold Relics
10 out of 8
Diamond Communication
10 out of 8

All Articles
40 out of 32

Copper Power

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
How much power is in the world? What kind? Who holds it? Who wields it?
My Goal
There are three powerful organizations that own an island within the Krug Islands. Since I haven't even started building these organizations, I'm sure that I will be able to complete the 8 power articles easily. I hope.

Silver Frontier

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Explore the edge of the known world, not just in land, but also in knowledge.
My Goal
It's been 4000 years since the gate on Tor Island has activated. The island has been abandoned for almost as long. This is the new frontier as people and organization volley for access to the Krug Islands. BUT what about the natives, the ones who never left...

Gold Relics

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
What's important in and around the Krug Islands? What relics and artifacts have been found? What do people remember vs what actually happened?
My Goal
With 4000 years of history and deities that are active, what relics and artifacts will people find? Will they hurt or help?

Diamond Communication

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
How do people communicate across the street, the country, the world, and the universe? What organizations or ethnicities have unique way to communicate? How does magick effect communications?
My Goal
With the gate being closed for 4000 years, is there anyone communicating with Ustehall, or at least still trying? How does someone communicate with another world? Can things be transported with a particular type of communication?


Copper Power

Prompt 3
Describe a resource that provides fuel or power
Prompt 4
Describe an animal associated with, or symbolizing, power
Prompt 7
Describe the title and responsibilities of an important person in your world.

Silver Frontier

Prompt 2
A settlement at the limits of the known or civilized world.
Wild Card Prompt 9
An iconic building or landmark representing a location

Gold Relics

Diamond Communication

Prompt 4
Prompt 8
Wild Card Prompt 9



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