Corrin Thorngage Character in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Corrin Thorngage

Alpha Wolf Corrin Thorngage (a.k.a. Curly)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Corrin has on his right arm a wolf tattoo, representing his rank and clan in the Midnight Rangers.

Apparel & Accessories

Corrin wears a leather tunic and trousers to allow him to camouflage with his environment. He also wears a brown cloak torn at the bottom and a mask to go with it, to conceal his identity in the field. As a halfling, he does not wear shoes, as his feet are tough and hairy enough to protect what shoes would attempt to, also giving him an extra element of stealth.

Specialized Equipment

Corrin carries with him a bow and arrow as his primary weapon but also a wooden quarterstaff for use as melee protection and as a walking stick on long hikes he occasionally takes to avoid people for a long amount of time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Corrin 'Curly' Thorngage was born in Birchwood Hills where he was raised as a higher class halfling due to his father's position as a chef to the local Lord. However, due to his having 7 older brothers and being less talented than all of them, he was always seen as a disappointment by his father. By the time he reached 31, Corrin had failed to learn a trade and so was cast out from his parents home. He spent about a decade on the streets of Hillswallow eating scraps and picking pockets before he was caught by guards, and exiled from the region.   During his exile Corrin found his way to the Dasatone Woods where he would join the Midnight Rangers. He remained in the rangers, gaining skill in archery and tracking, as well as hunting, and gained a skill in defeating undead. He would work his way up to Wolf Clan, one of the highest ranks in the clan.

Personality Characteristics


Corrin seeks to restore his honour in the eyes of his family, a family who never loved him. He hopes to one day commit an act of good so important that he is accepted back into his city and his family.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Talented with a bow
  • Skilled with a quarterstaff
  • Learned to speak draconic
  • Skilled with a lute
  • Fast runner for his size
  • Terrible jockey
  • Not good at talking to strangers
  • Lucky
  • Brave
  • Nimble
  • Naturally stealthy
  • Natural explorer
  • Primeval awareness

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Good sense of humour
  • Loyal

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Irritable
  • Brooding
  • Immediate mood swings
  • Sometimes distant
  • Sceptical/untrusting
  • Silent in most public situations


Family Ties


Harridoc Thorngage

Father (Important)

Towards Corrin Thorngage



Corrin Thorngage

Son (Important)

Towards Harridoc Thorngage




Being less talented than his 7 older brothers, Corrin often was left unnoticed by his father, who wished for him like his brothers to learn a trade. After he failed to do so he was cast out of their upper class home and left on the streets to scavenge for himself at the age of 31. Corrin and his father would never see each other again after he was cast out.

Nicknames & Petnames

Corrin - Curly

Corrin Thorngage

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Kat Soldshort



Kat Soldshort

Underling (Trivial)

Towards Corrin Thorngage



Relationship Reasoning

Both are apart of the Midnight Rangers

Chaotic neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Alpha Wolf
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
996 67 Years old
Emerald green
Dirty blonde, medium length, curly and unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, some freckles
50 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common (fluent)
  • Elvish (fluent)
  • Sylvan (fluent)
  • Plantish (fluent)
  • Draconic (fluent)


... 1011

Childhood years. From birth to age 15.

  • 996

    25 Valanche

    Birth of Corrin Thorngage
    Life, Birth

    Birth of Alpha Wolf Corrin Thorngage to parents Pansy and Harridoc.



1026 and beyond

Adult years, from age 30 to present.

  • 1027

    34 Incedis

    Corrin is cast out
    Life, Relocation

    After failing to learn a trade like his brothers by the age of adulthood, Corrin was cast out of the house by his family, and not to return without a respectable profession or skill.

  • 1036

    48 Salvis

    Corrin Thorngage joins the Midnight Rangers.
    Life, Organisation Association

    Corrin Thorngage in his 10 years of exile has found himself in the Dasatone Woods, where he comes across the Midnight Rangers. Seeing his potential, the Mother Bear allows him to join them.

    Dasatone Woods
    More reading
    Mother Bear
  • 1041

    Corrin becomes Head Badger
    Life, Career
  • 1043

    13 Aevus

    Corrin joins Hawk Clan
    Life, Organisation Association
  • 1048

    17 Valanche

    Corrin is appointed Golden Hawk
    Life, Career
  • 1052

    45 Vitalos

    Corrin joins Owl clan
    Life, Organisation Association
  • 1054

    35 Cerulle

    Corrin is named Prime Owl
    Life, Career
  • 1057

    6 Frose

    Corrin joins Wolf Clan
    Life, Organisation Association
  • 1061

    13 Cerulle

    Corrin becomes Alpha Wolf
    Life, Career
  • 1061

    2 Hydran

    Kat is blinded
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Kat is attacked deep in the Dasatone woods by three Hawk Clan rangers and two Wolf Clan rangers that ambush her. They pin her down and pour a liquid from a vial directly into her eyes, blinding her instantly. After they left her for dead, Jorden the Immovable would take pity on her, and give her nature abilities that would allow her to see, in a way.

    Dasatone Woods
    Additional timelines


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