Kat Soldshort Character in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Kat Soldshort

Katerina Runcister (a.k.a. Kat Soldshort)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kat is a fit and agile halfling considered quite skinny for her race. She has surprising speed in both running and climbing as well as impressive parkour skills as shown when jumping from tree to tree.

Identifying Characteristics

  • A tattoo on her right arm of a hawk, representing her rank in the rangers
  • Tattoo on her left arm of a crimson rose, representing her family
  • Blindfold over her eyes signifying her to be blind

Special abilities

Uses the ground beneath her to 'see' her surroundings

Apparel & Accessories

On top of her lack of height she wore a green leather tunic with leaves covering the majority of it, camouflaging her with our surroundings. She also wore cloth wrapped leggings with leaf chains holding it together and a green cloth cloak and a hood with green around the edges made from some kind of plant matter. On her legs she wore no shoes, though she had twigs branching around her shins held together with a leaf chain but not as if she wove it herself, rather as if the twigs chose to be there. However what stood out the most was her wine red undercut leaking out of her hood to cover her right side and partially obscuring what appeared to be a green dyed cloth blindfold, a strange choice for an archer. On each of her arms was a tatoo, with a hawk on her right arm and a crimson rose on her left, the hawk representing her rank in the rangers and the rose representing her family. On her leather belt hung two steel curved blades with oak handles that were pristinely sharpened and clearly used for preparing animals rather than killing. On her back she had her quiver made of brown leather filled with arrows that had a wooden shaft and hawk feather fletchings, with the arrow currently loaded into her oak elven design bow showing her arrows had an iron predator tip, making them perfect for hunting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Katerina Runcister was born into the royal family of the Kingdom of Primrosestor to King Dannigar Runcister and Queen Hadabeau Runcister. A rebellious child, her mother found it hard to love her, and to not lose her temper. Her father was too busy to pay her any attention. At age 5, Kat was sent to live with the worst possible family in Norvale. Here she was supposed to learn how good she had it, and to appreciate her role in society as a noble and an heir. Instead, she grew sorry for the peasantry, and growing up would no longer believe in a class divide.   During her equivalent teenage years (15-30), Kat would dress more like a peasant than a princess, and was often seen hanging around in the streets of Roswich. With her father always busy with the kingdom and her mother refusing to deal with her any longer, Kat had a large amount of freedom to do with as she wished. She began teaching herself things like how to read and write, archery and blade combat, growing preferential to duel daggers. While she would get dirty looks from the people of Roswich due to the fact that it was unheard of for a woman to know how to fight, write or even read in Rosenwind. Kat believed herself a fighter, and never thought herself worthy enough to one day rule the kingdom, still having no brother to become heir instead.   At the age of 27 Kat ran away from her family to the deep wilderness of the Dasatone Woods. She became a hermit, not living in one place for very long. One day while she was hunting a deer with her wooden shortbow, her target was attacked by a group of rangers, known as the Midnight Rangers. The leader of this group admired her skill with a bow and asked her to join their group. Kat accepted and quickly became the best hunter in her clan. When asked her family name Kat was at a loss. She did not want to be known as a princess as she would be seen as dainty, and likely cast out of the guild. So instead she claimed no family name, reinforcing their belief she had been a simple hermit. The Mother Bear of the rangers declared her Kat 'Soldshort', as she was seen as "sold" to the rangers by the woods and she was one of few halflings in the guild.   At the age of 32, while returning from a lone hunt, Kat was ambushed by three of the rangers in her clan, and two from the Wolf clan. Jealous of her prowess and skill and believing she didn't deserve to outshine them, they had decided to remove her from the equation. She managed to avoid their initial attack but was helpless against so many. Four of the rangers held her down while the fifth took a vial from her belt and waved it in Kat's face saying, "Well you filthy half-size hermit, let's see how well you use that bow without your sight!". The hunter then poured a droplet of the liquid in each eye blinding Kat instantly. The five hunters than ran away laughing after kicking Kat in the dirt, leaving her to die.   After the initial screaming in pain, Kat sat up and brushed herself as clean as she could. She then calmed herself down and focused. The Earth Deity Jorden the Immovable noticed her presence and took mercy, promising that if she became one of his disciples, he could help her. Kat immediately replied yes and thanked the god. Jorden then blessed Kat with heightened senses, with her sight not being returned but her new senses now allowing her to feel the nature around her and in a way, see.   She would return to the main base of operations of the rangers, The Vagrant Hideout, to find herself unwelcome their anymore. The attack turned out not to be simply out of jealousy but was instead an authorised attack by the Alpha Wolf, Corrin Thorngage. Thankfully a friend had told her this before Corrin arrived, and Kat was able to escape back into the woods, where she would run into the likes of famous bounty hunter Schyther and his group, while they were out on a quest that would change the world...   Life of Kat Soldshort


Raised in a royal family, you'd think she'd get a great education. Instead the ideals of the nation saw women as wives and only as rulers as a backup, so Kat was raised to be a good noble woman. However a visit to Norvale at age 5 ensured that it did not take, and so taught herself many things beginning with how to read, leading to being able to learn more from the grand selection of books in the library in the palace.


Beginning as a princess but running away, Kat's most recent profession was as a Ranger for the Midnight Rangers guild.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mental Trauma

Was blinded at the age of 32 by 5 of her fellow rangers, scarring her emotionally and making it hard for her to trust anyone anymore. She would become distant an monotonous, as well as never keeping her bow undrawn again if she could help it, just in case.

Intellectual Characteristics

A quite intelligent young lady, Kat is well read having had access to a royal library. She was able to study history, biology, geography and politics, and able to discover her true likes and interests. Puzzles were a pastime, and it helped to prepare her for most intellectual challenges she would face.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Archery
  • Nature
  • Hunting


  • Class divide
  • Laziness
  • Ignorance
  • Arrogance

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Strong-willed
  • Focused
  • Sympathetic
  • Hard working

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Independent
  • Monotonous
  • Un-empathetic


Exactly what you would expect from someone who lives in the forest


Family Ties

Religious Views

Praises the deity Jorden the Immovable, especially after he gave her the ability to connect with nature, allowing her to 'see'.

Social Aptitude

  • Seems to have a lack of most social skills but is really just quiet
  • Confident
  • Introverted
  • Low table manners


  • Always keeps her bow drawn

Hobbies & Pets


  • Archery
  • Blade combat
  • Reading
  • Hunting


Queen Hadabeau Runcister

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Kat Soldshort



Kat Soldshort

Daughter (Important)

Towards Queen Hadabeau Runcister




Having been a distant mother during her childhood, Kat never felt very loved nor welcome in her own home. Being a rebellious child, Kat always caused problems for her mother. Spilt drinks, thrown food, stolen jewellery from visiting nobles even though she had the wealth of a nation... the list goes on. By the time she was an adult, Kat barely acted like the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Primrosestor. Instead, she dressed like a peasant, and practiced archery though it was against the kingdoms belief that women should know to fight or even read, which she had also taught herself to do. Hadabeau had given up on her daughter by this point, and instead hoped that one day she would grow out of her unlady-like ways. Instead, Kat ran away under heavy disguise one night, and Hadabeau would never hear from her again.

Shared Acquaintances

Corrin Thorngage

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Kat Soldshort



Kat Soldshort

Underling (Trivial)

Towards Corrin Thorngage



Relationship Reasoning

Both are apart of the Midnight Rangers

Prince Dannigar


Towards Kat Soldshort


Kat Soldshort


Towards Prince Dannigar



While they never met, Kat left around the time their mother was pregnant with Dannigar, so Kat knows of his existence and how she is no longer the heir to Primrosestor, making her despise him and yet be pleased with his birth and her loss of a burden, but also a loss of opportunity.

Baroness Hilda Von Halen


Towards Kat Soldshort


Kat Soldshort


Towards Baroness Hilda Von Halen


Captain Distraction

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Kat Soldshort



Kat Soldshort

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Captain Distraction



Nicknames & Petnames

Theo and Kat.

Wealth & Financial state

While she technically has the wealth of the royal family of Primrosestor, having run away she has no access to it. Instead her money comes from her time as a Ranger, working for the Midnight Ranger guild.
Neutral good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
18th of the 7th, 1029
Year of Birth
1029 34 Years old
Prince Dannigar (Brother)
Emerald green, contracted
Short, roughly cut, wine red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, dirty
26 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common - fluent
  • Elven - fluent
  • Plantish - fluent
Relaxed (rare)
Royal attire.


... 1044

Childhood years, from birth to age 15.

  • 1027

    14 Murmus

    Marriage of Dan the Bold and Hadabeau Von Halen

    The marriage between Dannigar Runcister and Hadabeau Von Halen. The marriage formed an alliance between Primrosestor and Shortspire.

    Additional timelines
  • 1029

    18 Frose

    Birth of Katerina Runcister
    Life, Birth

    Birth of Princess Katerina Runcister to parents King Dannigar and Queen Hadabeau.

  • 1034

    Kat sent to Norvale
    Life, Relocation

    Kat is sent to live with a noble family in the city of Norvale, where she discovers a hatred for class divide.



1045 1059

Teenage years, from age 16 to 30.

  • 1047

    Kat begins self-taught education
    Life, Education

    Kat begins teaching herself things like how to read and write, archery, and blade combat.

  • 1056

    Kat runs away from home
    Life, Relocation

    Kat decides she doesn't want the royal life anymore, and decides to run away from it, her home, and her family. She would end up in the Dasatone Woods.

    Dasatone Woods
  • 1058

    12 Cerulle

    Kat joins the Midnight Rangers
    Life, Organisation Association

    Kat encounters a group of rangers while hunting, and after seeing her archery prowess is asked to join them.

  • 1058

    13 Cerulle

    Kat changes her surname to Soldshort
    Life, Identity

    After continuing to hide her royal blood, and instead having no family, Mother Bear Lura Qintoris would deem her 'Soldshort'.

  • 1058

    15 Cerulle

    Kat joins Badger Clan
    Life, Organisation Association

    Kat is fully admitted to the guild, and is assigned to the lowest ranking clan, Badger Clan.

  • 1059

    27 Vapora

    Kat is appointed Head Badger
    Life, Career

    Kat is appointed the Head Badger of Badger Clan, taking only a little over a year to do so.

    More reading
    Head Badger


1060 and beyond

Years as an adult.

  • 1060

    3 Ignit

    Kat is reassigned to Hawk Clan
    Life, Organisation Association

    Kat is reassigned from Badger Clan to Hawk Clan, the next clan up in the Midnight Rangers. Her badger tattoo is removed and replaced with a hawk one.

  • 1061

    9 Aevus

    Kat is named Golden Hawk
    Life, Career

    Kat is promoted to Golden Hawk, the leader of Hawk Clan.

    More reading
    Golden Hawk
  • 1061

    2 Hydran

    Kat is blinded
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Kat is attacked deep in the Dasatone woods by three Hawk Clan rangers and two Wolf Clan rangers that ambush her. They pin her down and pour a liquid from a vial directly into her eyes, blinding her instantly. After they left her for dead, Jorden the Immovable would take pity on her, and give her nature abilities that would allow her to see, in a way.

    Dasatone Woods
    Additional timelines
  • 1061

    4 Valanche

    5 Valanche

    Kat returns to the Hideout
    Life, Relocation

    Kat finally makes her way back through the woods and finds the Vagrant Hideout, the Midnight Ranger's base of operations. Upon returning she is told by a friend not to stay, as her blinding and assumed death was a conspiracy from the Alpha Wolf of Wolf Clan, Corrin Thorngage. So Kat would then leave again, back into the woods.

    More reading
    Alpha Wolf
  • 1062

    27 Vitalos

    Kat Soldshort comes across Schyther and his group
    Life, Organisation Association

    Kat meets famous bounty hunter Schyther and his group in the Dasatone Woods soon after they had begun a quest, one that would end up changing the world forever...

    Dasatone Woods
    Additional timelines


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