Scene 2a: Ghez the merchant Plot in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Scene 2a: Ghez the merchant

As you approach the group of satyrs, the one in the fancy clothes looks up at you, then appears to baa something to two of his companions who stand up and block the party from reaching the table.   -If Persuasion successful The guarda waves his guards to back off and as they do so you are now able to approach the table.   "Greetings strange travellers, what brings you to my humble table?"   "I'm here on a commerce mission from the golden city of Vistavale, capital of our glorious Vistan Empire. I've stopped here at Helmsfirth on my way to Waldenhollow, in the hopes of re-establishing trade with this great kingdom of Mudhill after some... tough times for the empire."   "If it is gold you're after, I would be willing to fund a quest to the Black Pass, quite an easy mission I assure you." (perception check) "It would require escorting me of course"   -If persuasion unsuccessful Party is told to back off, if they refuse, they enter a fight.



Must decide on whether or not this is the best path to take.


  • golden city of Vistavale
  • glorious Vistan Empire
  • establishing trade
  • tough times for the empire
  • quest to Black Pass


  • failure to persuade leads to fight
  • fail of perception check means they don't discover the dangers of Black Pass from Ghez

Moral Quandaries

  • Is an imperial job



  • Ghez of Vistavale
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