
Nytheris is a vassal state of the Nelevari Dominion. As such, they are ruled by a joint venture of an Aluist Architect and local representative of the nobility. However, most of the previous nobility has been tacitly culled by Nelevar, and many locals do not recognize any part of the leadership as one of their own.   Prior to their establishment as a vassal state, Nytheris was a loose collection of states in the Mirathen Empire. While ruled by a King who was loyal to the Empire, most Nytherians identify far more with their cities than any nation-state. In fact, the borders of Nytheris do not even capture the same cities that once owed allegiance to the Nytherian King; those other cities, often for poltiical or economic reasons, were abosorbed into one neighboring country or another. No self-respecting locals would identify themselves as Nelevari or Nytherian; they would much rather describe themselves by city and family. This has led to tension between Nelevar and Nytheris as the former attempts to assimilate much of the country by converting it to Aluism.
Founding Date
1204 S.J.
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Official Languages


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