Nelevari Dominion

The Sacred Dominion of Nelevar, or Nelevar for short, is a Theocratic Monarchy comprised of Nelevar and its many vasssal states around Thrail.


Nelevar is led by a King that is chosen by the Grand Architect. The King does have his own army and can make his own laws, but using his authority over both typically requires the blessing of the Architects.


Nelevari are storied people with a diverse history and an important role in major events all across Thrail. They carry themselves with pride and generally believe they are benevolent and positive forces culturally, politically, and religiously, They are usually orderly and highly value ingenuity. Younger generations are expected to respect and learn from their elders, not out of shy submission, but a curious inquisition. Older generations value competency and sagacity, especially knowledge of the arcane arts. Though heavily Aluist, races of Nelevar all treat one another fairly and are generally united nationalistically over religiously, though the two are quite similar in modern times. These traits lead all Nelevari to be fiercely competitive and perhaps overly convinced of their grandeur.


Nelevar controls several vassal states. They range from small to medium-sized countries all the way down to individual city-states. The countries are internally self-governed, paying taxes and owing fealty to the Dominion in exchange for protection. City states are directly controlled puppet states managed by an Architect.  
  • Juria


Nelevar maintains a powerful military, mostly in the form of its navy.

Technological Level

Nelevar is on the forefront of technological development with a special focus on applications of Quintessence to industry and military.


While Aluism is by far the dominant religion in Nelevar, they do tolerate other religions within certian limits. Ezenglism is allowed in certian cities with higher Elvespian population, and both Silentism and Velhaggism can be found in pockets. Haukrism is openly despised and discouraged, being techincally allowed, but practically illegal.

Agriculture & Industry

The rough nothern parts of Nelevar are ripe with irons and gems in the hills and mountains. Thus, much of the country west of Cerinoc is dedicated to processing and refining of ores and raw material. The south eastern portion of the country is dedicated to a lot of farmland in order to sustain the population, and its warm climate is excellent for growing many different crops. Outside of mainland Nelevar, built more south in order to avoid a high average temperature, are the many Zellium Refineries. Other manufacturing centers are also present alongside the refineries in many cities such as Riverfall and Barrunkilldon.

Trade & Transport

Distant assets on other continents have created a propsering maritime trade enviroments for Nelevar. In addition to its strong navy, it is the strongest power militarily and economically in the Coricut Sea. Of special note is the harvesting and processing of Zellium which was first invented in Nelevar and is exported to countries all around Thrail.


Nelevari are generally very well educated. Children are taught until they are around 12 years old and then they progress either to an apprenticeship, the workforce, or clergyship in the Inventorium.


Most modern Nelevari cities have sewage and fresh water available to the upper tier of their residences. The most sophisticated form of infrastrucutre in Nelevar is its rapidly expanding Frostfire Rail network.+
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Nelevar primarly exports gems, iron, copper, and Quintessence processed from Zellium.
Major Imports
Silk, linens, and other textiles are imported heavily in Nelevar. In addition, the people are great consumers of tea despite no tea leaves being produced withn the country's natural borders.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations