Schools of Magic


Schools of magic are collections of various spells that share some common attributes. On Halor, two primary models are used for classification: Fundamental and Practical. Since they are simply groupings of spells, a magic user may specialize in a school of either model or simply practice magic completely independent of the models and their classifications. However, most either devote themselves to one, while keeping a general awareness of the other. Notably, both models do not attempt to classify magic that is from a non-spell source; studies of those magical effects have much more devisive theories and models around them.  

Fundamental Schools

The Fundamental schools are grouped by which of the The Five Essences are primarily manipulated as part of their casting. These schools are primarily taught in academia for those studying magic and emphasize understanding the relationship between the Essences and the magic they enable. These schools investigate Quintessence as the catalyst to manipulate the other four essences. Whether that ability is divine or brought about through rigourous study does not matter, all magic can be catagorized into one of these 8 schools. Each essence manipulation is then broken down based on whether it is external (the effect does not interact with the intended target's essences) or internal (the effect manipulates or circumvents the intended target's essences). The intended target could be the caster, an enemy, or an inanimate object.   Students of one of these schools would often be theorists, working with others to research new techniques to manipulate the Essences more effectively or in novel ways. They would perform experiments with spells to better understand the Essences and their manipulation. They typically would create archetypes for spells, outlining the safe ways to achieve the desired effects with the spells. More often than not, these students are Wizards.  

Schools of Magic and their Essences

This table describes how each school of magic is primarily based around how it usese Quintessence to manipulate the other essences.

School of MagicEssenceDirectionality

Practical Schools

Practical schools are concerned with the classification of spells based on the output of the spell. This means adherents often focus on a specific effect, for example, fire or teleportation, and focus on finding many different ways to produce that effect. Although sometimes a specific effect is best achieved by manipulation of a particular essence, many effects can be achieved through many different means. These school also align more closely with businesses and commerce on Halor. The list of practical schools is also non-exhaustive as new applications are developed for which spellcasters may need to specialize.   Students of one of these schools would often be pragmatists, working to apply existing spells in combination to achieve a desired outcome. They may tweak some spells based on the application, but are generally combining spells in novel and unique ways to achieve more than the components could individually. They typically provide their expertise as a service or use it to build a business as a means of supporting themselves. More often than not, these students are Artificers.  


Cyromancy is concerned with the creation of water, ice, and anything that significantly cools objects. They are often employed to maintain temperatures on Frostfire Rail engines.  


Pyromancy is the sister school to cryomancy is concerned with the creation of fire, burning and anything that significantly heats objects. They are often employed to assist with the creation of aryiglass and other materials that require forging.  


Tonaromancy is concerned with acoustic behavior and sound manipulation. They often are employed for the creation and development of arcane communication and announcement systems.  


Lumomancy is concerned with spells and effects that produce light. They often work as civil servants for larger cities to help light the cities. Also due to the light-refracting qualities of aryiglass, Lumomancy is studied by Lumaryimists.  


Oneiromancy is concerned with spells that manipulate dreams and subconscious thought. Some practice dream interpretation through spells and others create dream experiences as a form of recreation. This school generally has a poor reputation due to the ease of abuse that can come from those practicing it. Still, some specialists have explored Oneiromancy as a means to heal others by manipulating their subconscious to see external healing magic as its own, circumventing a creature's Quintessence that would normally resist such action. Practitioners are called Oneiromancers.


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