Sesekvar Tetrarchy

Sezekvar is a traditionalist country ruled by four Elvespian Queens, sometimes referred to as the Verdant Justiciar. The Queens combine their bodies into a single, massive tree which serves as the seat of their power throughout their reign.


The Sesekvari are isolationists preferring to keep their very traditional, religious, and structered way to their own communities. They carry the legacy of the country's founders that fled Ormyst to escape the first emergence of the Vesper Blight. As the blight still plagues their ancestors, Sezekvari view it as proof of the divine condemnation of Ezengli and endorsement of their separation as a people. They greatly value their traditional way of life as a means to continually avoid such condemnation and keep themselves pure.

Demography and Population

The population is over 80% Elvespian. However, there are large portions of Stonehooves as well and the occasional Swarmling. Generally, humans and varathi are disliked, distrusted, and rarely found within the country.


Only Ezenglism is allowed in the country. Any other religions or worship of other beings is forbidden.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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