

Material Characteristics

In its gaseous form, Zellium is invisable. In its liquid form, it is a clear with a very faint blue tint. It is viscous and dense.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It its gaseous form, it is flammable. In its liquid form, it will also burn, but it much more difficult to get to light.

Geology & Geography

Zellium is found plentifully in the Third Band of Halor and concentrated in its cold climates. However, its gaseous form is more common across many other bands, sporadically appearing in deep cave systems.

Origin & Source

It is unknown where this substance originated from. Given its properties, some theorize that its origin is biological in nature, but no other evidence has come foward to confirm or deny this.

History & Usage


Found as a liquid or gas in pockets on Halor, this substance was thought to be nothing more than a dangerous hinderance to mining for the longest time. Miners would report halluncinations upon inhaling the gas and in cases of prolonged exposures develop advanced curses. When the first liquid forms of the zubstance were first discovered in the colder climates, the scholars and wizards began to experiment with it until the discovery of Zellium Refining.


Zellium was technically discoevered and classified as a gas many year ago in 713 S.J. However, it was not understood or known to be a liquid in cooler state until 1102 S.J. After some time and more initive to understand ways to combat its effects within mines, a discovery of its Quintessence holding properties was made and shortly thereafter the full process of extraction.

Everyday use

Zellium is used almost exclusively to be refined into large amounts of Quintessence.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Zellium is more than just a raw material as it represents the largest wealth of Quintessence ever found on Halor and the first in a non-living substance. As such, there are many speculative theories about its origin, significance and relation to the spritual quintessence present in all other living things. In fact, its use can be quite divise in some religious sects and sacred in others.

Industrial Use

Zellium can only be effectively converted into Quintessence by mean of Zellium Refining which a large investment of infrascture to support the machines involved in the process. In addition, the byproduct of the refining process has been used for technologies such as the Frostfire Rail.


Manufacturing & Products

Quintessence is the primary product created from the refinement of this material. However, while the refinement process is the only way to gather large amounts of Quintessence efficiently, raw Zellium can be converted into other forms that allow some transfer of Quintessence. Namely, it can be isolated and dissolved into alcohol (coloquially called a Quintabooze) which than can be consumed in order to absorb some of the contained Quintessence. This consumption can cause strange side effects and is generally safe. Nevertheless, some spellcasters insist on its efficacy and beneficial effects.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

During the refinement process, Zellium produces large amounts of electrical charge as it releases its Quintessence.


Zellium in its gaseous form is quite explosive when exposed to flame and thus very dangerous. If inhaled, the effects can be unpredictable and chaotic as the contained Quintessence mixes with the individual's. In its liquid form, it tends to be more stable, but there is a lot of energy released during refinement that can cause injury and explosion. These effects are not limited to the workers of the refinement process; much of the surrounding wildlife and plants are also negatively effected.


Trade & Market

A bit of a black market has opened up around Zellium in that many like to mix it in thier drinks a pyschadelic drug. Though it contains raw Quintessence it does not mix nicely with Quintessence in a person, instead it often fights it. For some they claim it can still provide a temporary boost to casting capabilities, but the side effects can range from mildly annoying to deadly and it is nearly impossible to predict which you will get. Thus, there is a harsh crackdown on anyone selling or distributing Zellium.


Zellium is almost always transported as a liquid which means it must be kept cool. Typiucally Froreketches are used to ship the liquid to a nearby refinery.

Law & Regulation

Given its explosive nature in gaseous form and generally chaotic effects as a container of large amounts of Quintessence, there are numerous rules and regulations on who can transport and use Zellium.
1250g per gallon
At first whiff, it has a sharp, metallic scent, reminiscent of ozone after a lightning strike and burnt cinnamon
Zellium tastes sweet though it burns the mouth
very light blue (liquid form only)
Boiling / Condensation Point
13 Degrees Fahrenheit
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State