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Kuse Keiyi (Ku-say kay-e)

Kuse Keiyi is the Hapus Pixxogiopo of the Set'o Amku, a sizeable empire in the northwest of Almor. He is a middle-aged man of Hazcuo descent, making him the only ruler in Almor who is not directly descended from a Naadi lineage. His family, the Keiyi Dynasty, were an influential house in Haraxim millenia ago. However, the decline of the Hazcuo monarchies in Haraxim and ensuing wars caused House Keiyi to flee, finding refuge in Almor. The noble heritage of the Keiyi was not lost to the Naadi in western Almor, with Kuse's ancestors having been given advisory roles in various predecessor kingdoms to the Set'o Amku. Eventually, the prestige of the Keiyi was so great that they managed to marry into the royal family of the Set'o Amku at a time during which no male heir or claimant was present. This meant the patriarchal line of succession was passed to the Keiyi, eventually leading to the current rule of Kuse. Kuse, as a ruler, is just and reasonable by most accounts, though he is known to overspend the treasury and treat himself and the upper nobility to various extravagant luxuries. However, Set'o is not a rich nation, given its rural population and frostbit land, so this often paints a poor picture of the reigning monarch.   Kuse himself is a self-indulgent and hedonistic man. He seeks pleasure from life and life from pleasure, ignoring the setbacks, tribulations, and negatives that happen to him or that he causes others. He is not an unintelligent man, but simply finds that his own pleasure and fulfillment in life is more important than mortal qualms or the feelings of those around him. He is generally calm and not really excitable or easy to enrage, preferring to enjoy life and the complexity of emotion from a third-person point of view than to be directly involved. He almost treats his own life like a play or poem, acting as if he is simply a reader or a spectator to his own existence.
5' 11''
Aligned Organization


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