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Humans are the most widespread and common race in Halth'aire, being present across every continent in large numbers apart from Londthas, where the population is mostly elven. Various human cultures dot the continents of Halth'aire, many being wildly different from each other in traditional beliefs, religion, and identity. The spread of these ethnicities is not even or equal, with small minorities such as the Hazcuo being overwhelmed in terms of political power and cultural influence by their more populous neighbors, the Utor. The prevalence of Naadi peoples has caused the spread of Almorian artistic styles and fashion across Halth'aire, while the widespread nature of Faitilic language and legal code has caused them to have an underlying influence in the modern lawmaking and governments of Halth'aire, with monarchies and authoritarian governments being the most prevalent. Humans across Halth'aire follow a variety of religions, spiritual beliefs, or cults, with many being tied to religions associated with their ethnic backgrounds. Froslak peoples tend to worship gods of their pantheon while the Naadi of Almor and Tzikas practice the ancient religion of Dhunya Amarish. Some choose to follow spiritualistic and druidic belief systems, while others follow cults and religious sects, most of which are not tied to any one culture or people.
Related Ethnicities


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