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Palorians are a race of humanoids native to Haraxim and Atux, having coexisted with Humans, and Nuvarians, on both continents for millennia. There are few Palorians in Halth'aire, with most of them being in Atux, living intermittently among communities of Humans and other races. Palorians tend to live in rural communities and are typically herders of livestock or hunters. This is due to their natural requirement to ingest blood, as the Palorian people are sanguinivores, those who drink blood for sustenance. Those who live in towns or urban areas often purchase blood from butchers as many have begun storing blood from their animals to sell to the ever-growing population of urbanized Palorians. Millennia ago, Palorian peoples were hunted down and attacked for their natural habits, but, as contact between the races continued, Palorians and Humans began to understand each other's lifestyles and eventually learned to coexist peacefully. Now, Palorians and Humans live fully amongst each other, with little to no animosity between the two groups. Some zealots and xenophobes believe that the Palorians are still an evil and irregular species, calling for them to leave human settlements and live in their own communities, but these groups are small and widely disliked and have little power.   Palorians are similar in physicality to humans but often have pale skin and have irregularly-shaped pupils with yellow irises. Palorians are bald and are unable to grow facial hair. Their ears are similar to humans but are slightly pointed at the end in a triangular shape and their noses tend to be longer. They also have circular dents no larger than a marble on each side of their head right past the eyebrow. They are somewhat vampiric in nature, having to feed on the blood of livestock and animals to survive in a similar manner to bats. While blood is only part of their diets, it has become a major cultural element among Palorians as communities hold yearly sacrifices of livestock while many ferment blood and other ingredients to create alcoholic drinks. Blood, and death in general, are accepted and celebrated among Palorians in a mournful yet understanding and empowering manner. While blood does not need to be drank on its own, or drank at all, it is often the most traditional and generally accepted way to ingest it culturally.
Geographic Distribution


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