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Haraxim is a small landmass directly to the south of Atux. It is covered in a vast rocky desert known as the Obaxi Anu whose plateau's and canyons interrupt the otherwise flat terrain. Giant rock outcroppings litter the flat plains of sand, sticking from the ground and reaching hundreds of feet into the sky. The bluish-gray and pale yellow sands of the desert are juxtaposed against the dark, obsidian-like rock structures that formed millennia ago due to massive volcanic eruptions. Smoothed over by years and years of erosion by the desert sands, these stones now lie across the desert as curved obelisks to the once active volcanoes of Haraxim. Where these volcanoes once existed are now massive mountains that open up into canyons and ravines filled with precious metals or powders such as Xumil or Etril. Haraxim is home to the Nuvarians and Palorians as well as being a major center of Utor culture. Three Yunris control parts of Haraxim, all of whom control major Xumil resources and profit off of the Xumil trade. The Chem'i Yunri is the smallest of the three but is a direct puppet-state of the Kich Mepyukk, a large Utor Empire on the southern coast of Atux. The Wun Yunri and Mumay Yunri are under a defensive pact and their respective Yun (Kings) are half-brothers, creating a stalemate in the balance of power in Haraxim.
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