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Atux is a large continent separated by a massive mountain range known as Khin Atuk. The northern and western regions of the continent are mostly temperate and consist of a mixture of grasslands, moderately dense forests, and rolling hills. The terrain of this region is mostly flat and the hills are often wide and not steep. Most of the region is covered in dull green grasses and the trees in this region are a variety of species in color, ranging from thin tall trees with green foliage to more stocky trees with faded red foliage. The Nomadic Komtol people are dominant in these more temperate regions, using the vast grasslands for the herding of livestock animals such as Vara and Kimi. The Komtol kingdoms of north and west Atux are all controlled by the Komtol people, though Dragonborn, Lizardfolk, and Palorian people are fairly common throughout the region. The southern region of the continent is covered by a vast and sandy desert which is almost entirely controlled by the Kich Mepyukk, an Utor-controlled empire which took over the region centuries ago after invading from Haraxim. The Utor armies took control of the disorganized tribal Hazcuo people after a long and bloody war that led to the eventual establishment of the Kich Mepyukk, which is now the most powerful state in Atux. They maintain cordial relations with the Komtol kingdoms to the north, establishing they are satisfied with their control of the Araxi Desert. The Hazcuo remain a major ethnic group in the region despite the prevalence of Utor and Komtol people as well as Nuvarians from Haraxim.
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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