Master General

The Master General is the overall leader of the Binding Brand, reporting and working directly with the The Magus Consortium.   The Master General gets direct information from their Generals and is the first to know if there have been any signs of ensuing conflict.   The Master General, along with the Magus Consortium, have two special platoons headed by Generals that are used for high risk missions that require a deft hand to complete.


Many years of training and service within the Binding Brand are required to become the next Master General.   One must also have a keen mind for combat and strategy.


One must be capable of showing a great military mind to be allowed the position.


The appointment of a new Master General is often a ceremony in Blackcrag, led by the Magus Consortium.   The ceremony is attended by high ranking members of society within Odril, as well as all the military ranks down to Captain.


Ensuring that troops are moved where they will be the most effective, inspecting training and decorum of soldiers, devising strategies with the Magus Consortium and passing those down through the chain of command.


Ensuring that all of those beneath them are doing their duties correctly and promptly, the Master General runs a tight ship and all parts must move as they are told.


A cozy house within the garrison of Blackcrag, a personal training yard, butlers, gardeners, and a lofty salary.   Most Master Generals end up switching out their cozy new beds with a cot at some point.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Master General is given a custom made set of armor made to their desires and access to the finest smiths in the country to have high quality arms made.   They also receive a set of decorative, but still rather effective, armor for ceremonies.
Civic, Military, Generic
Form of Address
Master General
Source of Authority
The Magus Consortium
Length of Term
Until resignation or demise in the field.
Current Holders
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