The Binding Brand

The military force of Odril, operating primarily in Gazor Fort and Silverkeep, they also have an operations hub in Blackcrag.   Founded in 6100 by the The Magus Consortium to maintain the borders and to lessen their need to actively deal with military operations.   The Binding Brand seeks to avoid conflict where possible, preferring diplomacy to open warfare. That being said they are a very well trained military with a blend of brute strength and magical competency.   Through the learnings of a scholar by the name of Robin Dunbar the military was instructed to keep company sizes to a maximum of 150 soldiers, to allow them to build meaningful connections and keep infighting to a minimum.


Master General - Head of the Binding Brand - based in Blackcrag, has frequent communication with the Magus Consortium.   General - Corps Leader, 2 Generals are in charge of Special Platoons - based in Black Crag, Gazor Fort and Silverkeep, has direct communication with the Master General.   Colonel - Division Head - reports to their General   Major - Battalion Leader - Reports to their Colonel   Captain - Company Leader - Reports to their Major   Lieutenant - Platoon Leader - Reports to their Captain


The Binding Brand is very approachable for the average citizen, while they do venture beyond their own walls clad in armor they are never ones to turn away someone in need, even if it's not in their job description.   Within the ranks of the Binding Brand the soldiers generally get along with those in their own Companies, having limited size they are able to know each-other well enough to keep infighting to a minimum. Training is usually done as a company as well, and each company has their own maneuver names, this way when the forces have to work together there is less confusion and more cohesion.

Public Agenda

To ensure the safety of the citizens dwelling within Odril by keeping opposing militaries at bay and occasionally being mobilized to remove a monstrous threat too great for regular mercenaries or the Adventurer's Guild, such as a rampaging dragon.


2524 standing army.   6290 reserve army.   Potential 10,060 additional hands for a drafted army should the need arize.   1000 horses, thousands of sets of swords/armor/shields etc.


Founded in 6100, shortly after the Magus Consortium to allow the Consortium to focus on matters of state and less on matters of warfare.   The Binding Brand was founded on the principal of finding a peaceful solution to conflicts where possible, but also having the might to stand against those who would be oppressors. Other country leaders and advisors can usually be heard saying "they speak softly and carry a big stick" when referring to the Binding Brand, and this has had a lot of truth to it.

By the tome's light, we break the darkness

Founding Date
Military, Army
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members