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Company of the Copper Hook

The Company of the Copper Hook is an Agrik worshiping fighting order dedicated to the destruction of the Kingdom of Kanday and the much-hated Order of the Checkered Shield.   They are headquartered in Hyen Keep in the Kingdom of Rethem and are a considerable military force and a threat to their neighbors.   They are sponsored by the Clerical Order of the Fuming Gate and renowned for their Heavy Knights, Copper Weapons, vicious packs of war-dogs, and unyielding discipline in combat.   The order employs an innovative array of tactics and weaponry. Despite their defeat in Ezar‘s War, the Order has received considerable financial support and is over-strength and well equipped. This has enabled the purchase and maintenance of the highest quality warhorses, weapons, and heavy armor.   This organization has not acknowledged the end of Ezar's war and still skirmishes with the Company of the Green Owls in Selvos and the very powerful Order of the Checkered Shield in Menekod.


Akarata – Grandmaster Head of the Order, the current Akarata is Mareg Yaredar.   Tenaka – Deputy Grandmaster The Order has two deputy Grandmasters, one is based in the temple at Golotha, heading recruitment and political interactions and the other either leads secondary military units.   Mekata – High Commander Commands 4 to 8 Squadron of Knights.   Telmen – Knight Commander Leads 1 Squadron of Knights.   Haragki – Knight Dotelen – Sub-commander Commands 4 to 8 Octads of infantry.   T’kelans – Sergeant Leads an Octad.   Ainlaumak – Corporal Deputy leader of an Octad. Usually the Hooked Glaive wielder.   Laumak – Man-at-Arms

Public Agenda

Regain territories lost to the Kingdom of Kanday. Long-term, they plan to incite a war.   Regain prominence in the Kingdom of Rethem.   Destroy the Order of the Checkered Shield.


Hyen Keep   13 Manors   3 Hamlets   Omnis Keep   7 Manors   2 Hamlets   4 Vassals holding 6 manors   General Assets   5 large Kennels for training wardogs   Cuprikeshang Foundry   Excellent Armour and Weaponsmiths   Excellent Horse breeding stables   Sizable income from donations   In-house master of the mystic arts


632TR - Order founded; however, the Copper Hook were essentially a wandering band of brigands and killers.   641TR - Order granted lands by King Arlun.   681TR - King Nemiran I was impressed with their martial strength and granted them considerable lands, including Menekod, Dunir, Hyen, and Selvos.   682TR - The Order provoked Ezar's War (682-697) by attacking the Kingdom of Kanday and its allies, eventually losing all possessions except Hyen. The Copper Hook has never recognized the peace ending the war and continues to skirmish with the Laranian fighting order, the Order of the Checkered Shield.   721TR - In the Spring of 721, the Copper Hook joined the Tormau rebellion on the side of the Earl of Tormau and attacked a number of loyalists estates, capturing Omnis castle. This was a surprise to everyone, especially the royal army. However, this castle was lost the following year, although at great cost to the enemy.   723TR - King Chafin III dies in the The Battle of Rylosin Forest. The rebellion is successful and the new King Kabe II grants the Copper Hook Omnis Castle and a number of smaller estates as a reward for their Loyalty. The former holder, Baron Jasyph Sayorsaxe is exiled.

Never Forget

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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