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Order of the Checkered Shield

The Order of the Checkered Shield is a Larani fighting order in western Harn. They follow a code of Chivalry, Honor, and Duty. The order is sponsered by the clerical order Order of Hyvrik.


Chabla - Grandmaster
Reblina - Knight Commander
Melna - Knight
Meken - Man-at-Arms
Ataken - Squire
Erken - Special Forces act as spies, scouts, and messangers. Often acting independently outside the chain of commend.

Public Agenda

Guard Kanday's northern borders.   Protect the temples of Larani, Peoni, and Save-K'nor.   Battle the forces of evil, especially the forces of the evil gods Agrik, Morgath, & Naveh.   Protect the weak & the poor.


The order has a fighting force of around 240 knights and 540 men-at-arms.   Feudal levies of around 70 knights.   Reserve forces of around 100 knights and militant clergy.   Numerous strongholds, chapter-houses, and manors.   Limestone and granite quarries.   Regular financial donations from the Kandian crown, noble clans, the clerical Order of Hyvrik, and other anonymous sources.   Good quality weapon and armorsmiths.   Excellent stables and horse breeders.


622TR - King Andasin I founded the Order of the Checkered Shield from independent bands of knights of the Fighting Order of the Lady of Paladins based originally from Eastern Hârn.   Within 5 years, the Order had doubled the kingdom's size, capturing Quivum, Ewen, Heroth, Imiden, and Zerien.   661 to 666TR - During the Five-Year War, against the Thardic League, the order suffered its first defeat; however it recovered to win many significant battles and was pivotal in Kandays eventual victory.   682 to 697TR - Ezar’s War, against The Kingdom of Rethem, again led to more victories, including the capture of Menekod castle from the Company of the Copper Hook. This castle was granted to the Order and served as the Kingdom's first bastion of defense. The Copper Hook has never forgiven the Order and has yet to accept the peace. Raids and reprisals continue to this day.   712 to 713TR - The Order had just mobilized during Kuseme War. However had no opportunely to battle the Thardic Republic Legions as King Andasin IV sued for peace. This was a great disappointment, and it is fair to say some knights have begun to question the King's judgment.


The Order is generally united; however, there are three fractions:   The Reluctant Warriors seeks to strengthen the order and better fulfill its mission as the shield of the realm. This is the largest fraction.   The Banners of Honor are a small but growing faction of headstrong knights eager for glory and wish to see a resumption of war with the Cooper Hook and the Kingdom of Rethem. They are in part responsible for some of the border conflicts.   The Traditionalists believe the order should be under the control of the church of Larani (Order of Hyvrik).

Guard the Meek

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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