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Agrik is the principal deity of warriors who enjoy the dark side of war: pillage, cruelty, and destruction. It is said that a pious adherent of Agrik will learn as many of the Ten Thousand Ways of inflicting pain as possible. The church practices human sacrifice, often through ritual combat with a champion of a fighting order.   Agrik dwells in his great flame-shrouded fortress of Balgashang with his demonic servants, the V’hir. Within the castle is Ak-Syt, the dreaded chamber of tortures where unspeakable demons torment the hapless, unlamented dead. Agrik usually appears as a great V’hir with two claws missing from his left hand, bearing Gashang, his flaming mace, and Sycanus, his ichordripping sickle. Agrik’s missing claws have caused him constant pain and anger since the goddess Larani severed them. He has never forgotten this ancient indignity and only the terms of the Concordat of the Illimitable Tome deter him from seeking revenge. There is certainly no love lost between the fighting orders of the two deities.  


The Amanasurif (pope) dwells in Lysara in Azeryan, where he is also a powerful secular lord. Upon Harn, the most powerful leader of the cult of the is the Cardinal of Agrik for the Diocese of Harn is the grandmaster of the Order of Mamaka Master of Steel.  


Thardic Republic
Kingdom of Rethem.
and a few followers in Orbaal

The faith is proscribed in these kingdoms. Those found worshipping Agrik there will be put to death.


Akarata – Grandmaster and Head of the Order.
Tenaka – Deputy Grandmaster.
Mekata – High Commander commands multiple Squadron of Knights.
Telmen – Knight Commander Leads 1 Squadron of Knights (8 knights).
Haragki – Knight.
T’kelans – Sergeant leads an Octad (8 men).
Laumak – Soldier.

Public Agenda

Ensure dominance of the church of Agrik.
Defeat the kingdom Kanday.
Crusade against the forcees of Larani.

Tenets of Faith

Strength through suffering.


The ritual garb of Agrik’s clergy is orange and black.

Granted Divine Powers


Seven clerical orders are devoted to Agrik; each sponsors a fighting order. The pairs are shown below. Despite few dogmatic differences, these seven orders clash constantly, often with fatal consequences for innocent bystanders.

  1. Order of the Cohorts of Gashang & Order of the Eight Demons
  2. Company of the Copper Hook & Order of the Fuming Gate
  3. Order of the Red Shadows of Herpa & Order of Hepra the Mace
  4. Warriors of Mameka & Master of Steel
  5. Companions of Roving Doom & Order of the Pillar of Fire
  6. Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer & Kustan
  7. Order of Pameshlu the Insatiable & Order of the Octagonal Pit

Ten Thousand Ways of Pain

"Lord of the Four Horsemen,
Master of the V’hir,
Immortal Warlord of Balgashang,
Breeder of Plague, Squalor and Decay,
The Reasonless Reaper,
Tyrant of the Foul Chamber,
Knower of the Ten Thousand Ways."
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What

Articles under Agrik


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