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Council of Eleven

Created by Erebir in 12 TR, the council was intended to provide the kings of Melderyn with the best possible advice. Their charter was, and remains, highly flexible. They have the right to appoint their own members, educate the king’s children, and rule on various matters, including royal succession. They have always been covert, their existence known to very few persons. Nonetheless, they have had a profound influence on Melderyni history. While it is incorrect to say that they are the real rulers of Melderyn, their advice is rarely ignored.0   The number of council members is highly variable. They appoint as many or as few persons as they deem necessary. Their name reflects the fact that there were originally eleven members. In the past 700 years, there have sometimes been as few as four and as many as 18 councilors.   Melderyni kings have sometimes been members of the council, although this has not usually been the case. Chunel is only the sixth monarch to hold a seat on the council. The last king before Chunel to sit on the council was Lodros.   The council also periodically appoints advisory members. These persons do not hold a seat or have a vote, but are consulted about matters concerning their area of expertise. This has become a more common practice since the reign of Lodros. Many of these advisory members are only slightly aware of the full activities of the council. Full members of the council are normally appointed for life. Advisory members are appointed “for the duration of need.” It should be noted that no one, not even Dyalne Dulye, the one member who was forcibly expelled from council, has ever broken the secrecy about the council’s dealings.  

Council Members

As of 720, there are 12 full members of the council and six advisory members.   Eilyn Dulye: A gray Sorcerer, a cousin of King Chunel. Eilyn chairs the council.   Gladryne Dulye: A Lyahvi Shek-Pvar and a cousin of King Chunel. She is the illegitimate daughter of Glisil Dulye and the mage Golor the Quick.   Vensit of Kelede: At 32, Vensit is the youngest council member. He is a brilliantly talented Savoryan Shek-Pvar. Ronis of Merkenos: Ronis is a widely traveled scholar and lexigrapher. He operates a small shop in Cherafir.   Yebisi of Netoshi: A Jmorvi Shek-Pvar, Yebisi operates a weaponcrafting franchise in Cherafir. He was born in Molkura in eastern Lythia but vigorously denies rumors to this effect.   Deryk of Pharcaras: A Fyvrian Shek-Pvar. His brother is a talented physician in Cherafir.   Merena of Sinarael: The King’s Harper. There has been a long tradition that at least one member of the council is a talented artist or musician.   Sunoril Thabel: The Earl of Nurisel. In addition to possessing considerable political acumen, Sunoril dabbles in magic and has some well-developed psionic talents.   Chunel Toron: King of Melderyn.   Obiris of Ueld: The Hârnic Primate of Save-K’nor. He is reputed to be one of the most intelligent men on Hârn.   Erech of Werthade: An astrologer.   Hosgril of Yshale: A rowanti (loremaster) of the Church of Save-K’nor’s Order of the Rydequelyn. Most councils have included a member of the Rydequelyn, whose role is usually that of “devil’s advocate.”  


Tymas of Baswhyl: High Priest of the Ilviran Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright at Gedan in Orbaal.   Nykkal of Claswith: Chamberlain of the Earl of Tormau in the Kingdom of Rethem. Nykkal was born in Trierzon and came to Hârn in 705. He has been an advisory member since 706 and in the employ of the earl since 707.   Aranath Halirien: King of Evael. Aranath has been an advisory member since the creation of the council.   Erila Kaphin: Lord Privy Seal of Kaldor. Erila is also the lover of the aged King Miginath of Kaldor.   Anaflas Milaka: Younger brother of King Andasin IV of Kanday and Sheriff of Peris.   Noron: Like Aranath, the demi-god Noron has always been an advisory member of the council.

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