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Evael (H6-8, I6-8, J6-7)


Evael is the last remnant of the Sindarin kingdom that once covered all of Harn. Unable to stem the tide of Human immigration, the Sindarin renounced claim to Harnic sovereignty some 14 centuries ago and withdrew to the Shava Forest. Evael is now more of a sanctuary for Harn’s 5,000 Elves than a kingdom in the human sense. Evael’s borders are the Farin River, the Wend in the north, and the Kald in the east. The islands of Yaelin and Keboth are loosely controlled parts of the kingdom.   The majority of non-elves who live in Evael are descendants of those who accompanied the Elves during their withdrawal into the Shava Forest after the Atani Wars. Others are descended from “newbloods” who were allowed to settle in Evael to prevent inbreeding. Half Elf residents are full citizens of the kingdom. The rare humans who are invited to live in Evael, most often to apprentice under an Elven artisan, are residents only at their master’s pleasure. When training is complete, they are expected to depart the kingdom within a year. Hasty marriages to Half Elven residents to avoid deportation are not uncommon.  


The economy of Evael is based on barter. The kingdom does not mint coins and foreign coinage is rare. Transactions between Elves are always bartered or gifted. To outsiders, the system is a confused and inefficient tangle of favors and exchanges but the Sindarin value the close relationships that develop. The system of mutual trust, honor, and generosity works because transactions are few. Half Elven craftsmen accept coinage from visitors.  


Technological Level

Advanced technologies in production of jewelry, musical instruments & magical items. Spell casting is both common and advanced among Evael's citizens.


While Elven order of Siem is the most common religion among both elf and non-elf citizens. Peoni and Ilvar are frequently worshipped by non-elves.

Foreign Relations

Generally, the Elven kingdom pursues a neutral policy towards the rest of Harn. Kaldor and the Thardic Republic both claim lands right up to the borders of Evael. These claims are only nominal and neither state has the strength to extend its power into the region. The Sindarin and Khuzdul, once great allies, have ignored each other for 14 centuries. Evael’s isolation from the rest of Hârn lends it an aura of mystery and a reputation that all manner of enchantments will befall the unwary. Visitors are few.   The Chelni, Pagaelin, and Tulwyn tribal nations surround Evael. All have legends about the inhabitants of the Shava Forest. The Chelni fought against the Sindarin in the Battle of Sorrows and have since viewed them with respect and awe. The Pagaelin consider them to be “devils of the forest” and keep their distance. The Tulwyn will not cross the Farin River after a disastrous attempt to invade Evael around 150.

Trade & Transport

The Elves are largely self-sufficient and Evael has minimal contact with other civilized nations. Almost all imports and exports are handled by the Jarin Half Elves , who act as intermediaries. Some trade is conducted through the port at Ulshafen or overland through Trobridge Inn.

Location: Southern Harn
Atlas Maps: H6-8, I6-8, J6-7
Government: Monarchy and advisory council
King: Aranath Halirien
Culture: Elven
Population: 5,100 Elves, 500 Half-Elves
Royal Seat: Elshavel
Largest Town: Elshavel, population 600 Elves
Exports: Glassware, musical instruments, jewelry
Religion: Primarily Siem, some Half-Elves worship Peoni, or Ilvar
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports
Glasswares, musical instruments, jewelry

Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Harn Kingdoms
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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