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Also known as the Dark Elves, Drow, or among the elves with sadness as The Lost.   The Elves ruled Hârn for thousands of years in isolated splendor. Then Dwarf and Jarinese Humans migrated. Both of these people were willing to swear fealty to King Daelda Halirien, and they all lived in peace for centuries. However, this was not to last. New, more aggressive "Harnian" human invaders arrived. Each wave of invaders was bigger and more dangerous than the last.   Gwydriel, leader of the Elven tribe of the Sinan, fought these invaders for hundreds of years. As each of her immortal kin and friends was slain, her heart became filled with anger and rage. At the Battle of Sorrows, her King fell to a demon summoned by the hated humans, and although the battle was won, the loss of life was appalling.   After much consideration, the new King, Aranath Halirien, reasoned that the much more numerous humans would ultimately defeat the immortal but slower breeding elves. He decided to retreat to the blessed Shava Forest, founded the Kingdom of Evael, made peace with the human invaders, and abdicated his rule over the Hârnic Isle.   Most of the Elves accepted this decision, but not Gwydriel and her allies. Her hatred for the humans and now her former kindred she called traitors was too strong. She decided to continue fighting and severed ties with the Elven race and their gods forever. Her followers hid in isolated dark forests, opened gateways to other worlds, and plotted.   With their bonds to the Elven Gods lost, the Morsindari slowly found to their horror, so was their immorality. They started to age incrementally, albeit with a life span of many hundreds of years. However, it did increase their fertility, and their number grew. After decades of life-draining experimentation on human captives, they were able to slow but not halt the aging process. The previously immortal dark elves slowly started to age and fall to despair, but an unexpected savior appeared.   Morgath, the god of Chaos and Evil, sent one of his demonic agents Myrvria the Temptress to offer a solution. She said tainting the Morsindari with a small portion of the Shadow of Bukrai would restore their immortality. The price is that the Morsindari would devote their lives to spreading chaos and destruction. They would have to worship Morgath directly or through one of his demonic agents and dwell in the dark or underground. The desperate Morsindari accepted her offer and were forever changed.   The shadow corrupted them. Their skin became night black and their hair pure white. Sunlight blinded them and burnt their skin. Their magic was warped and corrupted, and they lost all of their affinity with nature. All that was good and noble was purged from their bodies, leaving only hate and cruelty.   Gwydriel, for her service to evil and hatred, was granted great power, some say becoming the Demonic Spider Queen, now called Lolth. The Morsindari now plot the destruction of humanity, the Sindarin, and claim dominion on the world above their underground lairs.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aranreae, Haermadia, Lilith, Maethon, Maeronea, Slienaia

Masculine names

Diun, Gal, Gylor, Ieot, Quanot, Slior


Shared customary codes and values

Encompassed species
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


Author's Notes

Inspired by Thonadex 3, Morsina Article by Björn Höglund.

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