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The tribal inhabitants of northern Nuthela, related to the Taelda in the south of this region. They are descended from Jarin peoples but have interbred with other folk. The Anoa are nomadic and subsist on hunting, fishing, and gathering, and robbing the Orbaalese. Since they are often the object of punitive expeditions from Lorkin and Leriel, and because their neighbors are mainly Gargun, they build no permanent settlements. When possible, the Anoa trade the region’s abundant Furs for various civilized implements. There are several dozen tribes, whose numbers rarely exceed a hundred each.

Jarin Tribal Nation

Hârn contains 18 Jarin nations, whose total population exceeds 100,000. Each of these nations has fairly well-defined homelands in the wilderness areas of Harn.

They are mostly semi-nomadic, moving from one location to another within their range either seasonally or every few years. Some are hunter-gatherers who do not practice more than rudimentary agriculture. Each tribal nation is divided into several dozen tribes of 30 to 1,200 persons, although few tribes would exceed 200 in size.

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Major Exports
Neighboring Nations
Harn Kingdoms
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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