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Sarajin is the god of battle lust. He favors those who love the sport of war and takes great pleasure in watching and even participating in large battles. The only virtue universally admired among Sarajinians is courage.   Sarajin most often appears as a giant yellow-haired warrior dressed in leather and Furs, bearing Fakang, his great double-bladed axe. His symbols are a pair of crossed handaxes and his sled, Shalka. Sarajin’s demigods are Usnarl the bear, Jarlak the wolf, and Njehu the whale.   Sarajin dwells in an ice castle on Yashain in a land called Talagaad. Those who worship Sarajin and fall in battle come to Talagaad and spend each day in the valley below the castle, hacking and slaying each other until the snow runs red. At dusk, all retire within the castle, including those newly slain, for a long night of feasting and wenching. By dawn, all are revitalized in this warrior’s paradise and repeat the endless battle.   The worship of Sarajin was brought to Hârn by the Ivinians and is mainly practiced in Orbaal. It is sometimes said that “they who follow the King of the Icy Wind worship death.” This may explain the failure of the religion to win many adherents among Hârnians not of Ivinian ancestry.   Where the faith is followed, the religious needs of the community are handled by a single clan. The Ivinians tend to approach religion like any other business. It is a loosely organized religion, little interested in rituals or frills. Each clerical clan may have a different interpretation of the truth, but all agree that Bravery, Impulsiveness, and Pride in skill of arms are the cardinal Virtues.

Tenets of Faith

The noblest achievement of a Sarajinian is to die in heroic battle; most try to live each day as if it were their last. They value the Ljarl, a code of honor, but treachery is not unknown.


Clerics of Sarajin have no particular mode of dress; most are warriors and will dress accordingly.

Granted Divine Powers

“King of the Icy Wind, Lord of the Perilous
Quest, Wielder of the Blooded Axe, Master of
Frosty Climes, the Gray Slayer.”
Religious, Organised Religion
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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