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Remlana is a military rankamong the Melena (Knight) of the Order of the Lady of Paladins.
  After passing the ceremony, the Remlana’s name is then entered in the Great Book of Records in the Whyce Chapter House Temple. From that time on, he is a brother for life (unless excommunicated). He is entitled to have his coat of arms hung in his Chapter House Chapel, to be heard by the Soylana Assembly, to appeal any issue to the Chabla and to live free of charge at any Chapter House. As a Remlana, a Knight is also free to leave his Chapter to become an Erana (wandering knight). Many Remlana undertake a quest after passing the Affirmation.
  After becoming a brother, Remlana are sent to Shield or Sword Chapters. Combat comes to the Shield Chapters in the form of attacks on the Temple or Cleric they are guarding. They travel with the Rekela and Serekela and protect the Temples. The Sword Chapters seek out combat. Stationed at the edges of Kaldor, they patrol constantly, guarding the frontiers against the barbarians (Taelda, Kald and Pagaelin) and the Gargun. Most knights remain as Remlana for 12 – 14 years.

Religious, Military
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