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Realm: Azadmere Holder: Crown Prince Population: 200 Liege: King of Azadmere   A Dwarf stronghold at the south end of Lake Arain. The site has been fortified for 7,000 years and is strategically placed to guard the approaches to Azadmere. It is the traditional hold of the Dwarven prince. The fortress is built into rugged cliffs overlooking the Silver Way, but only the upper ramparts are readily visible to passersby. Most of the structure is tunneled into the rock; caverns and mines run deep within the surrounding mountains, some reaching as far as Mt. Jentzu. However, none can miss the barbican, a 70' stone wall more than 10' thick that barricades the road to Azadmere. The only way to pass this point is through an iron-faced oak gate of marvelous balance and strength. The wall and ramparts are well guarded. None may pass without permission of the Dwarven prince. Zerhun is garrisoned by four companies of elite Dwarven warriors, one company of High Guard and three companies of Low Guard. A company of Human  mounted foot, a feudal levy from Habe  , is also stationed at the nearby Halfling village of Pedwar, a quarter of a mile inside the gate. They patrol the Silver Way as far south as the Guthe Ford. Skirmishes between them and Orc  patrols from Fana are common.
Outpost / Base
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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