The Great Summer Fair

The The Great Summer Fair of Tashal is one of the largest trading events on Hârn, second only to Cherafir’s annual festival celebrating the arrival of the Larun, a convoy of trading vessels bringing exotic goods from accross the Lythian continent.
  The commercial life of Kaldor and its merchant class peaks at the great Tashal Summer Fair. Caravans converge on this economic hub city from all corners of Hârn: from Orbaal down the Fur Road, from Azadmere along The Silver Way, from Thay and the Lythian continent via the Genin Trail, and from western Hârn by the Salt Route. Caravans begin arriving several weeks before the fair, which lasts the entire month of Larane. Mercantylers trade through much of the summer before returning home with wagons laden with goods.
  Tashal’s fair was authorized in a royal charter granted to the Mangai by King Haldan I in 605 TR. Seeking to rebuild the economy of Tashal following the Baronial Revolt (599 TR – 603 TR), Haldan inaugurated an unprecedented month-long “carnival” that included lower hawking fees and permission to import and trade exotic furs, spices, and precious metals. This resulted in a great increase in caravan traffic, and royal revenues.
  Over the years, the Summer Fair has become an international trading event. A series of scheduled events throughout the city attract companies of thespians and harpers from afar to entertain thousands of visitors. The foundation of a rival fair in Olokand in 662 by Queen Chelebin III has always irritated the guilds of Tashal. There is great rivalry between the two fairs. While most nobles revel at Olokand at the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry, most mercantylers prefer Tashal.
Trade Routes

There are four great trade routes that converge on Tashal from north, south, east, and west.

  • The Fur Road - from Orbaal
  • The Genin Trail - from Thay
  • The Salt Route - From Tharda and western Hârn
  • The Silver Way from Azadmere
Travel Plans

Travel from Coranan, Orbaal, or Thay to Tashal can take two months or more of hard travel through barbarian territory. Merchants must acquire goods and organize caravans and hire guards well in advance of traveling to the fair. Merchants often plan years in advance and invest a great deal acquiring and warehousing goods so they will be ready for transport and sale. Poor sales or a calamity on the road can ruin a merchant, but the rewards are lavish for a successful trip.


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