Miganath Elendsa, King of Kaldor (Mig-i-nath El-end-sa)

King Miginath of Clan Elendsa is the current reigning monarch of Kaldor. He was 41 when he succeeded his father, King Torastra, in 693. He has always been sickly and frequently abed, his imminent death from any of one of his numerous ailments has been predicted yearly. Yet after After 27 years on the throne, the aged king continues to baffle his subjects simply by getting up each morning. He has never married, leaving the succession a matter of contention between two or three bastard sons and a score of nieces and nephews.
  He has substantially increased the royal bureaucracy, handing out new offices in exchange for concessions from individual nobles and their clans. He has also pushed to increase the role of Royal Law in Hârn's courts to create a more uniform legal system. He is popular with the common people because he has kept the kingdom prosperous and at peace.
  Miginath took Lady Erila Kaphin, the knighted daughter of a Chybisan noble, as hismistress in 696. Lady Erila bore Miginath a son, Tulath, in 696, but rumors that she was an illegitimate daughter of his father, King Torastra, prevented a marriage. Erila and Miginath are still together. She has great power as the Lord Privy Seal, the trusted keeper of the kingdom’s records. They are a difficult and headstrong couple, given to heated arguments, that always end in reconcilliation.

Coat of Arms, Clan Elendsa, ruling clan of Kaldor by Columbia Games

Motto of Clan Elendsa: To govern with perfection is to rule forever.

Current Status
Ruling Monarch of Kaldor
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of Nolus 652 TR
Caer Olokand, Kaldor
Current Residence
Caer Elend, Tashal
Aged and sickly but well dressed and alert.
Dark eyes
White grey hair of medium length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skinned with age spots.
245# (111kg)
Ruled Locations

Kaldor Poetic Map


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