Hârnian Culture

The majority of humans who reside in the "civilized" nations of Kaldor, Kanday, Melderyn, Rethem, The Thardic Repuplic the progeny of the original Jarin and those peoples who migrated to Hârn during the time of the Atani Wars and somewhat later. They speak Hârninc and have typically pale to medium skin tones with a range of hair color ranging from blonde to dark brown and the occasional red head.
  Hârnians are influenced by their home nations culture and position in society during their formative years rather than any specific ethnic identity. They will speak Hârnic with a speech pattern distinctive of their nation; experts can identify specific regional dialects too.

Stereo Types
Those from the Kingdom of Kanday are seen as brave, goodly, law abiding, hosptiable, and fair minded. The nobility are viewed as a bit too preachy with regards to Laranian religious matters. Kandains are generally friendly and unassuming, the exception may be those good residents of Aleah City, who are seen as snobbish and superior, better than those from the rest of Kanday. Due to the number of wars, Kandains dislike those from Rethem and treat them with suspicion if not hostility. Thardans are viewed as being business minded but not to be trusted.
  Generally a friendly people, those from the Kingdom Of Kaldor are seen as industrious, brave, law abiding, with a sense of fairness, but class concious. Kaldor has been prosperous and at peace for the last 27 years, but there is an undercurrent of worry due to the King's lack of an heir. The nobility are very class-concious and spend much time one upping each other, who dresses better than whom, who threw the best party and they are constantly scheming against each other.
  The Melderyni are a good people, but are a bit odd, especially those from the isle of Melderyn proper. The nobility are often seen as over educated and snobbish, coming across as arrogant and a bit eccentric.
  Thardans are are viewed as industrious, boisterous, and grasping. They are also viewed as somewhat sinful hedonists concerned with the pursuit of all manor of sinful pleasures. No one understands their political system not even them. Further, their nobles aren't really nobles just rich clans.   The Rethemi are a fatalistic and suspicious people. Their rulers are seen as dishonorable, cruel, and deviant; worshipping evil gods and following a might makes right approach to life. The peasantry are generally unhappy, unfriendly and suspicious of outsiders, more prone to a tankard half empty mentality.
  Those from tiny Chybisa are seen as a bit paranoid but honorable, suffering from an us versus them mentality, they will constantly tell you what is great or better about Chybisa. However, they are anxious, constantly worried when the next boot will drop.
  The Invinians now ruling Orbaal are seen as interlopers who don't belong here and have upset the natural order. The Ivinans are viewed as uncouth drunkards prone to pick a fight anyone for any reason. You can make deals with the Ivinians but can't trust them; you can never tell if they are going to pay you or rob you. The Jarinese of Orbaal are an odd lot, on the one hand they are full of laughter and good humor, kind and trustworthy, and on the other they are bitter and resentful, especially when down in their cups.
  Serfs and slaves tend to be ever humble, anxious, and eager to please their betters whilst getting a leg over.
  Like all stereotypes there is a germ of truth to them, however, there are as many different kinds of people as there are fish in the seas.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Akatern, Alagra, Alarena, Albea, Alena, Alessa, Alison, Almanel, Amarie, Amela, Anesa, Anlael, Anna, Areta, Apryle. Aurelia, Bae, Belana, Benea, Biana, Brenlyn, Bresyn, Briele, Brygyne, Camissa, Caniara, Carala, Cerieme. Cersyn, Chanishe, Chelebin, Chendra, Cheselyne, Chidena, Cloya, Colenia, Danisa, Debyne, Derwen, Dibra, Donesyn, Elana, Enoriel, Erelora, Erila, Erlene, Feya, Gruldel, Grundel, Gryta, Kaidia, Kaisirin, Kelissa, Kethele, Halane, Helicia, Helma, Henda, Herela, Herva, Hesena, Hila, Hilma, Keryne, Ialny, Iana, Igrot, Imelene, Ingold, Ithina, Jayal, Jenna, Jonara, Karina, Karissa (Melderyni name), Keriela, Kesyne, Lajana, Larane, Lasar, Laseral, Lenael, Lenera, Lenyl, Lerela, Leriela, Lesel, Lessre, Liel, Lora, Loryle, Lyndael, Maris, Marnyle, Melenda, Meliara, Meliem, Meline, Mera, Merenda, Merela, Merina, Meristne, Mesa, Mesela, Milya, Mirim, Merassai, Myrele, Myslbene, Mythyn, Orella, Othena, Pella, Penele, Peresta, Perla, Piria, Prtherela (Pretherela?), Querene, Querila, Raditha, Releisa, Releyne, Renelka, Rosak, Saryse, Seleryn, Serilia, Serli, Sharosi, Shyna, Silena, Siwen, Skona, Solia, Sylvia, Thilisa, Torlyne, Tula, Udine, Urila, Uvienela, Valeran, Velira, Vena, Wilia, Yerala, Ygrena, Yrene, Yvyle

Masculine names

Abilgeth, Ada, Ael, Aidrik, Akatern, Aldin, Aledro, Alfar, Alfric, Allesa, Allynn, Alnet, Ambrathas, Andel, Anerd, Angor, Archebal, Ardail, Ariam, Arbin, Arlbis, Arlin, Arlorn, Armagastar, Ars, Arvan, Arvin, Arwyn, Ashata, Asorn, Ashain, Avid, Baldorn, Barint, Baris, Baure, Bearn, Beisha, Belgor, Belsin, Beran, Bereden, Bicrem, Blair, Blatern, Boel, Bork, Bors, Brandis, Brant, Brewlin, Brinn, Broe, Bromis, Brunis, Burnam, Callon, CALSTEN, Caro, Celed, Ceorlan, Cerigan, Cerdan, Charance, Chargil, Charl, Chepin, Chilmin, Chimin, Cholin, Churus, Chymel, Clavro, Colm, Conlon, Conwan, Conwyn, Coreth, Corfyn, Crinnida, Crissam, Cruelis, Curroll, Dabin, Dagald, Danyes, Danzys, Darlin, Darwyth, Declaen, Deni, Dina, Diryn, Doberry, Doldas, Donar, Doolassa, Dorral, Dosyl, Dourik, Drogo, Dudo, Dulwyn, Durgaen, Dwyn, Dycast, Dyrman, Eamyt, Earny, Ebalt, Ebran, Edine, Elcar, Eldak, Elemon, Elfrod, Elgar, Eltan, Eran, Ercamber, Erdar, Eredos, Erelar, Eres, Eris, Ernell, Ertol, Everard, Evida, Evin, Ferin, Fierth, Finmeld, Fonor, Fynygyn, Gaelen, Gaerl, Garath, Garen, Garosta, Geldane, Girard, Glynd, Golian, Gorian, Gorin, Gorlin, Gorond, Gort, Gorthan, Gorvan, Goshal, Gotar, Gournay, Greon, Grisson, Gunart, Grunda, Gyandy, Haber, Habil, Haeri, Haerl, HAIN, Hakon, HALDAN, Haldare, Halime, Haradane, Harain, Harapa, Harayn, Harbal, Harian, Harmon, Haselun, Hassela, Heber, Hedare, Hemisen, Hendal, Hendin, Henryn, Herik, Herlan, Herras, Hesdin, Het, Hoak, Holik, Honelon, Horidon, Houla, Iame, IBUTHINE, IEMALD, Illion, Ilor, Ilwis, Indalon, Indros (Thardic name),Irian, Iriel, Isoard, Jakan, Jakkyn, Jalgon, Jalo, Janor, Jaril, Jarlath, Jendil, Jere, Jered, Jerin, Jeris, Jesel, Jethris, Jonil, Jorlak (Thardic name), Josith, Joular, Jourat, Juren, Kaelli, Kalabin, Kaldarias, Kaltric, Kalwys, Karbes, Karison, Karit, Karsin, Kathel, Kecklan, Keldis, Kenter, Keric, Kethor, Ketil, Killassan, Kisan, Kiral, Kirl, Kirlin, Kobar, Kodar, Kolyn, Koraga, Korein, Korin, Koris, Kornuska, Korol, Korus, Korwyn, Kymed, Kymen, Kyresan, Kytem, Lamrin, Lanas, Langar, Lanivar, Larryl, Lasar, Lebane, Ledril, Lerin, Lern, Limm, Lir, Lira, Loban, Lonbar, Lorel, Lorin, Loton, Luisan, Lyndar, Lynwold, Lysat, Madrin, Mael, Magnor, Mak, Mald, Maldan, Mandan, Maral, MARANOS, Mard, Marik, Margan, Margon, Maros, Martin, Meathgir, Medew, MEDRIK, Melin, Melsene, Merdyn, Merik, Meriven, Merwyn, Mida, Midal, Midda, Mido, Migerd, MIGINATH, Migray, Miklus, Mirald, Mirild, Mollel, Morgal, Morgin, Mulen, Mulron, Myran, Naradin, Natgen, Nethan, Nibinel, Nicrom, Nierek, Norbin, Obras, Okie, Opo, Ordren, Orhan, Orin, Orkon, ORSIN, Ortin, Osar, Oshin, Owain, PAROGAR, Parsume, Pasun, Pedel, Pelshin, Persin, Pesara, Petral, Peyrins, Pinerd, Poreyn, Prehil, Quosso, Rablar, Ralan, Rald, Raervin, Ralda, Ramain, Ranal, Rasak, Rasha, Rathbar, Reberl, Reberth, Remiu, Rendig, Ridan, Rindan, Rodin, Rohn, Roldas, ROLOTH, Romlach, Ronas, Rosta, Rumel, Ruta, Ruyth, Ryle, Saery, Sai, SANRIC, Satris, Scina, Scisco, Sedris, Semeline (Larani saint), Sendalyn, Seperlyne, Sepian, Serphet, Shak, Shain, SHALA, Shawe, Shernath, Sheryd, Shirhet, Shotro, Shunel, Shylir, Sigolan, Silas, Smee, Sweldur, Taerin, Tagin, Taran, Tarkin, Tarkor, Tarl, Tarmas, Terlin, Temos, Thyman, Tinel, Tommas, Torald, Toras, Torasa, Torastra, Torbet, Vigin, Vilmus, Vulin, Vunder, Vuris, Waldria? Warner, Weldanm
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Cover image: HarnWorld Caravan by Columbia Games, Richard Luschek


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