Languages & Scripts of Hârn

Languages Present On Hârn

The following are the the languages most likely to be encountered on Hârn.

Jarind Language Family

Jarind was indigenous to the regions of; Trierzon, Quarphor, and Reksyna until migrations of eastern peoples displaced Jarin culture north and west. Jarind languages are characterized by a singsong lilt with occasional hard gutturals.


Is the primary language in all the civilized regions of Hârn including; Kaldor, Kanday, Melderyn, Rethem, Cybisa, and the Thardic Republic. It is descended from Old Hârnic (a Pharic tongue) and influenced by multiple diverse waves of Lythian Barbarians who invaded Hârn over the last 2000 years, it has also been heavily influenced by both the Khuzan and Sindarin languages.


Is spoken in the Hârnic Isles, mainly in southern Orbaal, the Kingdom of Azadmere, and Evael by the descendents of the Jarin peoples of the Co-Dominium. Jarinese was the tongue spoken by the first human inhabitants of Hârn, where it was strongly influenced by the tongues of the elder peoples (Sindarin and Khuzdul this has set it apart from other Jarind languages but it is still very similar to Emela. Jarinese is slowly becoming extinct on Hârn.


Spoken only in the northern Kingdom of Orbaal, it is a creole language that includes elements of Jarinese, Hârnic, and pidgin Ivinian.

Barbarian Languages:

The barbarian tribes of Hârn have their own unique languages and dialects. Those tribes that live in proximity to the civilized human natons of Hârn often have individuals who speak at least some Hârnic.

Pharic Language Family

The Pharic peoples originated in eastern Reksyna but were driven west into the Jarind ethnic area by Ketari tribes. Pharic tongues are characterized by rising-falling tones, compound nouns, and fairly regular grammar. There is, however, wide divergence from these rules; many of the Pharic tongues have been strongly influenced by languages of other families.


The principal language of civilized Ivinia, Ivinian is something of a common trading tongue in western Lythia. The language has been influenced by Yarili and vice-versa. This language has a number of derivatives that have come into being as a result of Ivinian colonization of foreign ethnic areas. Most of these are little more than pidgins, but Harbaalese (the oldest derived tongue) and Palithanian have attained, in many eyes, the stature of distinct languages.

Rare, Religious and Unique Languages

The following are unique and specialized languages that the PCs will rarely encounter.


Languages of the elder races of Hârn have heavily influenced Hârnic, there are many cognates and whole words absorbed from these peoples, this also includes Jarinese and Pharic derived languages

  • Khuzan: is the language of the Dwarves of Azadmere
  • Sindarin is the language of the Elves of Eveal


Religious languages are those tongues and scripts used by clergy of various religions

  • Besha: temple language of Navehan clergy
  • Ormauk: temple language of Morgathian clergy
  • Surikal: secret tongue of the Agrikian clergy


  • Ivashi: spoken by the priests of Ilvir and semi intelligent and sentient Ivashu

Scripts In Use On Hârn

The following are the written languages PCs are most likely to encounter on Hârn.


The angular script of the Khuzadul is well suited to being carved into stone and wood. The churches of Larani, Peoni, and Ilvir adopted Khruni centuries ago, giving it a much wider usage.


Lakise Script is perhaps the most common script in northwestern Lythia. The script was brought to Hârn after the Codominium by human settlers from Lythia. It is the principal form of writing on Hârn today and remains almost identical to that still used in western Lythia.


Although the Ivinians claim Runic as their own invention or sometimes as a gift from Sarajin, it actually is derived from Khruni, the script used by the Khuzdul for centuries. Like Khruni, Runic is composed of straight lines and can be easily carved into stone or wood. It is used primarily by the Ivinians and those who trade with them, but is also known to many who have contact with the Khuzdul, who use it when dealing with humans. Runic is common in Orbaal and is known to many who have contact with the Khuzdul, who use it when dealing with humans.


Selenian is the aesthetic, cursive script of the Sindarin. It is said to be the invention of the demigod Sweldre.

Cover image: HarnWorld Caravan by Columbia Games, Richard Luschek


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Oct 1, 2024 10:18

This is really useful information. It very nicely summarizes local languages. It's worth a quick link, which I can use while playing the game online. I think your article would be twice as big if you included the barbarian tongues as well.   I have been introducing Hârnic regional dialects and accents. In their accent, you can tell where someone came from, which is hard to hide.

Oct 1, 2024 14:25 by MrGunn

Thanks for the kind words.

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]
Oct 1, 2024 14:47 by MrGunn

Attacus after reading your note about the barbarian languages, added a small section about barbarian languages. Thanks for the input.

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]