Crescent Moon Pendent Item in Hausken | World Anvil
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Crescent Moon Pendent

A white stone, now half red from his blood, glistened up at Merakesh Larkin. With hesitant and bruised fingers, he gently and cautiously swept up the stone, it was as though he were drawn to it. It was cold but the blood was warm, like a melding of two worlds in the palm of his hand. It had a hole at one end so that it could be strung onto ribbon and worn around the neck. Using his thumb, he wiped the dirt and blood from the centre to reveal the symbol carved into it. “The crescent moon,” he shuddered, with a sense of fear and heartbreak.   This pendant belonged to Ariuk and was thrown into the alley when Merakesh Larkin killed her. He found the rock years later after a fight in the same alley. Balthazar had a recollection of the pendant but that was because his Celestial used to be Ariuk's Celestial - Main Celestial.  
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable


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