Balthazar Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Balthazar (a.k.a. Tails; Brother; Sven)

Balthazar became an Ascended Daemonkin in the year 402, at the scene of the death of Ariuk.   Balthazar was an important and integral part of the group until his death by the hands of a Gargoyle during the attempt to save the Elven enslaved by the The Dark Council.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Tall, solid build 
  • He has no scars from the blend

Special abilities

Daemonkin Features
  • Thin tail that is often hidden under robes or coats
  • he had red eyes
  Ascended Feautres 
  • The gold eyes would overtake his red eyes when he as casting celestial spells such as blind or healing
  • He could tap into healing celestial magic

Apparel & Accessories

Usual outfit
  • Dark blue or brown robe with hood, simple and functional
  • simple sandles or boots

Specialized Equipment

  • a quarterstaff that was used to channel the Ascended energy through into a Blind-spell, blinding those who were around him.
  • had a dagger on him but he never used it to fight

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Balthazar worked for Big Brothers prior to his encounter with the Celestial, and was considered a low level criminal in the organisation. He was treated poorly by his boss at the time, Jasper Kilarney and was not living the fullfilled life he had expected. There as a little bit of goodness in him, even though he was a criminal, as he did come to help Ariuk when he thought she was in trouble in the alley.   After suffering the horrific trauma of the blend, Merakesh Larkin carried him inside the Temple that backed into the alley to hope the Ascended there would be able to heal him. The Ascended found him a few hours after Merakesh had left him, and he was badly injured and unconcious. They were able to stabalise him, and move him to the Asylum.   It is uncertain as to why the other Ascended did not pick up the Celestial within Balthazar, however it could be because the trauma also extended to the Celestial. She was hybernating during this time, which meant that Balthazar appeared an injured Daemonkin suffering amnesia. As he had no family or close friends, no one came looking for him or 'claimed him'. It took 8 months and then Merakesh, Eli Fleetfoot and Dougal McKenzie negotiated his release with authorities.

Mental Trauma

When Balthazar was forced to become Ascended by the celestial who left Ariuk, he was not prepared the way a bonding ritual would enable. Due to the fact that the Celestial was traumatised by the sudden death of her previous host, and that Balthazar was both a Daemonkin and ill-prepared for such a bonding, he suffered mental trauma from the experience. It severed all memory from before the bond, however there are moments where Balthazar feels like he can recollect something, but it never comes to fruition.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Balthazar didnt like to hurt anyone or damage anything, as a result he stayed as nuetral as possible through fights, often healing enemies and allies alike.    He was also no very good at climbing, particularly ladders.


Balthazar loved to clean and remain clean himself. This seemed to be something that developed only from after the blend.


Main Celestial

Blended with

Towards Balthazar



Blended with

Towards Main Celestial


Date of Birth
5th of Harth, 367 YAW
367 YAW 404 YAW
Circumstances of Death
Killed in a battle, by a Gargoyle
shaved dark hair
Quotes & Catchphrases


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