Daemons Species in Hausken | World Anvil
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Daemons and Celestials were enemies, they were opposites in all they stood for yet both races had been diluted under the protection offered by Le’mar Lestalt. Daemons died out shortly after being allowed to live within Hasken, due to their forced seperation from the Daemonic Plain. After years of the absence of the speicies, Hausken babies began being born with Daemonic energy, creating small deformities and embuing the newly born with varying powers. These were called Daemonkin and considered by many as the next evelolutionary leap by Daemons to exist within this plain.   Unlike the current Daemonkink, Daemons were built more savagely - larger and meaner, often with horns, wings, cloven hooves, claws, and even exposed exoskelleton. Though they did not all look the same, they were considered much more powerful and deadly than Daemonkin now. After the Daemonic Plain energy was severed, Daemons lost much of their power and prowess. This impotence lead to the speices to die-out less than one generation after taking the deal with Lestalt.

Basic Information


Very large but can alter their size with magic. They appear with horns, wings, tenticles, tails or a combonation of these charactaristics.


Considered the natural enemy of Celestials.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Powerfully magical, typically associated with death, pain, fear, and distruction.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
It is thought that Daemons had to adapt this plain, and over time, lost much of their power, evolving into lesser speicies.