Daemonkin Species in Hausken | World Anvil
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Also known as:
  • Shadow Brothers and Sisters
"Show no mercy" - Daemonkin blessing before battle
  When the Daemons were granted access to Hausken by Le’mar Lestalt they were on the provision that they severed access to the Daemonic Plane - a place where their power eminated from. This left the Daemons a fraction of who they were, unable to weild the powers they once posessed. Over a short period of time, without the connection to that which fed their spirit, the Daemons died out, unable to procreate or survive beyond the walls. A short time after the last Daemon death, babies began being born in Hausken in possession of Daemonic energy. This energy varied in strength and in power. Babies born with such energy were known as Daemonkin. In the beginning, Daemonkin babies were being born to two non-Daemonkin parents. As the babies grew, these Daemonkin could porcreate, giving birth to a second generation Daemonkin. Daemonkin babies born to non-Daemonkin still occur but are much less rare.   Due to their Daemon heritage, much of the Daemonkin way of life stems from lessons of hardship, conflict, and power at all costs. Daemonkin who are religious may follow The Saber. Reak’tzar wrote a tome by the same name, The Saber, in which many of the teachings and beliefs are followed by many Daemonkin. The Saber is seen as the best connection to Daemon heriatage.   A small portion of Daemonkin live normal lives in Hausken, they are owners of business or work for the government. They hold well paying jobs and contribute to social socitey. The majority of Daemonkin, however, are shunned by a lot of society and are born into a life of poverty which makes it difficult to break the cycle from generation to generation. As a result, many Daemonkin turn to crime or hold the less desirable jobs in Hausken. Their above average strength and size makes them ideal of many of the manual labour employment and are paid minimum wage.   Daemonkin can have a range of features. The less deformed the pysical attributes are, the easier Daemonkin find to move about Hausken without persecution. Those with small deformities tend to be approached by members of the Tinatoa gang at some point, and recruited. Those with large or obvious deformities find it difficult to integrate and spend a lot of time with "their own kind" to avoid ridicule and judgement. The Scoria is the gang for these types of Daemonkin.

Basic Information


The one consistant feature are red eyes. Some Daemonkin can hide their true nature behind human-like looks, while others have features unable to sheild from others such as scales, animal features, fur etc.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Red Eyes

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most Daemonkin have a connection to daemon ansestory through instinct and feeling, physical prowess, and mantra, though few if all, are able to tap into Daemon magic.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Old Language (a form of Daemon dialect that has evolved over time)

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Most Daemonkin follow teachings of a Daemon Lord from history.

Common Taboos

Nay'sol is a derogatory term for a Daemonkin. It translates to "no soul" and is often used by Ascended, or those of the Church.


Half Daemon, half Human, the Daemonkin seemed to be little more than thugs with strength and blood hunger. Their Daemon linage appearing as malformations of their Human forms like defects, branding them as outcasts. A tail here, a claw there, coloured skin or animal traits gave the Humans the ability to identify them, and keep them in their place.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
80 - 90 yrs
Average Height
Above average height
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