Legion of Deliverance Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Legion of Deliverance

The people must listen, they must stand on their own two feet and demand the Government answers for fear that the Legion may tear down the city if they don’t. And when the Government spouts its lies back to the people, the people will rise and denounce their oppressors. We are all victims of the Government; we are all victims of the law.   How many times did a Police Officer look the other way when someone needed help? How many times was justice bought with blood money? How many Tower Praetorians sit corrupted, feeding off the wealth from Black Market sales? How much tragedy has had to befall the people, for us to rise up and take arms ourselves, seek justice for those who could no longer seek for themselves?  
“Join the cause Dougal, be a leader for the people. Be the leader they wrote about in the Herold. Be a part of the Legion and together, we can make right so many wrongs. Avenge so many silenced voices, we can put the pressure on the Government until it explodes.”
  “So, I suppose it’s best that we part ways for now. But you should know, the Sanctuary Statue at the University,” Felicia revealed, “And the empty administration building, they were the Legion’s targets. They were the Legion’s only targets.”

Public Agenda

The Legion is responsible for two of the three bombings on Sanctuary Day 
  • The Sanctuary Statue on the University Campus
  • The empty Administration Building that was used by Government officials
Neither bombing resulted in deaths, but sowed panic and discord as planned.


When Prudence Timmons was killed, police first arrested her twin siser Felicia. After concluding it was not her after further investigation, the police could not find the killer. After experiencing the incompetance of the police and having to live with the unsolved case, Felicia and her brother in law John Timmons (the husband of Prue) decided to take matters into their own hands. They created The Legion of Deliverance in the hopes to rally the city to force the authorities to make the city better for those that do not seem to get a voice. LOD had been rumbling for a while, but has only gained attention since the bombings.
Illicit, Terrorist group
Alternative Names
LOD; Legion
Notable Members


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