Priest Silas Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Priest Silas

Priest Silas was a healing Priest in one of the Church Temples in Hausken. He was murdered in the temple and was being investigated by Hausken detectives of the Police Department.   He was Ascended, but his Celestial did not jump to a nearby person at the time. As such, Merakesh killed both the Ascended and the Celestial pair.  
Ward Five - A healing priest to know the blood.

Five Wards

Unknown to anyone but Merakesh Larkin, Priest Silas was a name on his list and was assassinated for one of his Blood Magic wards. He was Ascended, but his Celestial did not jump to a nearby person at the time. As such, Merakesh killed both the Ascended and the Celestial pair.   The scar on Merakesh's right arm has been covered with a tattoo to help conceal the blood magic from all those who may see his arm. The tattoo that covers ward five is a religious sheild used in one of the very early holy wars hundreds of years before The Wrath. There are artefacts displayed in the Museum, one being this type of sheild. Due to the nature of the first holy war, and its use of crude weaponry, these sheilds were covered in the blood of not just the enemy but of the holy warriors carrying them, thus the sheilds were known as the 'Bloodied Cross'.  
64 yrs
Date of Birth
14th Of Oak, 329 YAW
Date of Death
18th Of Harth, 393 YAW
329 YAW 393 YAW
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Merakesh for one of his blood magic wards
Place of Death


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