Ring of Blood Item in Hausken | World Anvil
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Ring of Blood

Found in the a Temple - Field Ruins in the wheat fields of the agricultural area. The temple was quite close the surface and was discovered by Farmer Hemsworth when he found an obelisk while he was ploughing.   When Seth Wilkinson found the ring, the temple had collaposed an was now impossible to go back into. Seth put the ring on and saw an image of Carnaxx and the throne of skulls and bones, just as Dougal McKenzie had done when he had touched the Staff of Nightmares for the first time.   Seth showed the ring to everyone at William Oakley'd house at the back of the The Lace and Locket just after returning with the staff, but did not tell them of the significance of the find and the link back to Carnaxx.  
Item type
Unique Artifact


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