William Oakley Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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William Oakley

Mr William John Oakley

Runs the The Lace and Locket and is a fence for illegal, sort-after, or Black Market items.  
“Heart and Hammer,” Oakley smiled.
  Oakley appears as an old shop-keeper but it is later revealed that he used to work for the The Dark Council, using his knowledge of Dark magic to help bind and enslave Daemonkin. His back is covered in runic symbols and dark magic glyphs to assist with this kind of magic and as a side effects, draws energy from Demonic relms, prolonging his life. When his wife had a baby girl, it was discovered she had been born Daemonkin. Having now a direct connection with a Daemonkin, he could no longer inflict the suffering he once was able to. He keeps his shameful past hidden, and is selective of who he tells these details to.   Oakleys past is still quite mysterious, the party has never asked what happened to his daughter or his wife, they just know that they are no longer alive.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He's older but still muscular, although it can be hidden under his clothes. Oakley doesn't like to promote his strength.

Body Features

average height

Facial Features

Long white handlebar moustache, and silvery white hair-tired back into a small pony tail.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Has Dark Magic tattoos on his chest and back

Apparel & Accessories

simple shirt and modest pants

Specialized Equipment

  • Has a blunderbuss called "Ol' Bessy"
White / Silvery
Ruled Locations


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