Staff of Nightmares Item in Hausken | World Anvil
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Staff of Nightmares

Found in the Temple - Archeology Dig Site near the Mines of Sulphur. The temple collapsed and filled with Sulphar as the party left with the staff.   It was a large rounded room, with a high ceiling and no windows. There were a few columns, connecting the floor and roof but no patterns, no iconography. Nothing but a small raised platform at the far end which sat perched on top a staff. It was old, very old and covered in runes. The twisted malformed staff was made of a cold but light metal, manipulated to look like a gnarled tree branch. At the top, encased in vine like spindles, perched a large red gem stone.  
  There was a scramble of bodies as the four of them hurried for the staff, but it was Dougal McKenzie who grabbed it first.   As though he had been struck by lightning, Dougal felt a surge of energy pass through his body. His hands became hot and his eyes stung, and suddenly he was not standing in the ruin anymore. Instead, he was surrounded by a well-lit large hall. There were long metal tables laden with scraps of food, black burnt banners hung from the large high ceilings. The windows on either side of the room were long and architecturally beautiful, though they were encased in soot and ash. The room smelt of rotten meat and charcoal, and there was not a soul around him. He turned around and saw a raised platform similar to the one that had carried the staff, at the top of a handful of stairs. It dawned on him, he was in a palace, and it was not a hall but a throne room. Sat perched on the platform was a throne like none he had ever seen in books, nor heard of in stories. It was a large crude chair, constructed for a very large being. It was not made from gold, nor iron, it had no gems adoring it, nor carvings engraved upon it. Instead, it was made from bones and skulls. Dougal knew enough biology to recognise different skulls. Some were Elven, some Dwarven, but most of them were Human. On each arm of the obscene throne, draped bloody sinew, creating a dripping noise as the blood hit the stone floor. Dougal’s head pinched, his stomach churned and he became dizzy. He suddenly felt the warm blood from his own nose begin the run down his lip and with a deep and exasperating breath, he closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them, to find himself standing back in the room of the ancient ruins with Merakesh, Balthazar and Seth all staring at him. “Air,” Dougal managed to say, “I need air.”    It was later revealed that the vision was that of Carnaxx.   ... “You had a vision?” Eli said worriedly, looking at Dougal. “When you touched the staff?” Dougal nodded, he seemed exhausted. “Why, Dougal? Why did you take it?” she asked, concerned he had been affected by the same madness as the others.   He raised his eyes to meet Eli as she bent down to talk to him, her hand gently holding his shoulder trying to steady his balance. His face was pale, sullen, he seemed almost sad. “I had to protect our friends,” he spoke softly so that only Eli could hear his confession. “I saw what was happening to them, and I couldn’t let them take it first. I had to protect them.” Eli gave him an understanding look, he was fiercely loyal to a fault.


This is one of the five artefacts of Carnaxx.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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