The Lace and Locket Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Lace and Locket

Antiques store at the front along Butcherbird Lane. At the back, is the homestead of William Oakley. The kitchen is and dining room is directly out the back, with the vault around the corridor. Upstairs are the bedrooms. There is a back door that comes from the kitchen and dining area.   There were more books in the shop than anything else. There were piles of old looking knick-knacks, furniture, and cutlery. There was a wall covered in different weaponry, and a nook on one side of the room with all manners of tea sets, but nowhere was there a shop keeper. “So, this was what an antique shop looked like,” Merakesh thought to himself.  
  When the attacks on Sanctuary Day occured, Oakley went missing. The store was ransacked in the disruption and the vault was emptied.

Purpose / Function

The shop is an antique shop, however Oakley was a known fence in the city, and as such, Merakesh found him when no one else would buy what he had stolen.


  • The shop has a green store front door
  • The shop is at the front and the living area is at the back
  • There is a kitchen/dining area
  • The hallway off the dining room has a bedroom and a washroom
  • The door off the area has a second hall where the vault is located, and the back entrance into the shop section
  • There is a back door into an alley off the kitchen/dining area
  • Upstairs there are more bedrooms, a study, and a storeroom.


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