The Combustion Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Combustion

The Combustion are the four divine beings held in belief by The Church. They are said to protect the spark of light from the darkness. They scare and nurture, they are violent and kind. They are seen as one diety, but are made up of four individuals 'divine' beings.   There are statues of the Combustion standing at the entrance to the Well of Light, and it is said that the statues can see into the soul of all who enter. They are the oldest statues of the Combustian known to the Church.   Replicas and other statues have been created and are part of the iconography used in all Church temples around Hausken.   They are featured in the Celestial Tomb as wisdom givers, justice warriors, and compassionate healers. Some believe that the Combustion are the first four Celestials to grace this plain of existance, and created Ascended beings who could guide and protect all those who worshiped the light.
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