Well of Light Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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Well of Light

The Well of Light is the courtroom equivilant for The Church, to conduct inquisitions and pass verdict on Church law. The Well of Light is an old stone structure which was built before The Wrath while Hausken was still a small city. Over time, the Church claimed the land, sunk the Well and the Chamber of Combustion, and built the Cathedral over the top.   The Well is a hightened location for Celestial power, and is made of stone with carved runes and symbols to direct and contain magic and celestial power. After going down many stairs and long passageways, the main chamber is a large circular room with a large light source in the ceiling. It shines over a central location where an acused can be contained with the powers of the carved runes in the floor. There is a large stone chair for others to be called upon to answer questions in the inquisition.   On the opposite side of the room is a small stone platform for the High Inquisitor Quaid Bedlam, Justice, and Judgement to stand, enabling them to hear and participate in the Inquisition. There is a larger circular ring around the room, that can be cloaked in shadow and allows for other Church members to attend to bare witness to High Inquisition hearings and see it unfold in front of them. Names are not taken, and these members can come and go as they please throughout the procedings.   Should an Inquisiton find the acused guilty, the punishment of death often follows. Inquisitions are not conducted lightly, and are reserved for the more serious of crimes against the Church.  
Alternative Names
The Well
Room, Court, Legal
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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