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  Hausken is a very vast and extensive city contained within a border of 12 protective towers known as the Peacekeepers. The towers erect a forcefield that constantly shields the entire city from a destructive lightening called The Wrath.  
A Brief History
When the Wrath first appeared just over 400 years ago, the many cities around the world began to fall victim to The Wrath's destructive power, killing millions of souls and laying waste to the great cities. It was only with the foreshadowing foresight of a great wizard Le’mar Lestalt that Hausken constructed the protective towers before The Wrath struck. Hausken is the only known city to have survived The Wrath. The lands beyond the borders have become scarred and sandy, now known as the Scorched Lands.  
Life in Hausken
The city is in the midst of their industrial revolution, with many steam powered mechanics driving technology. There main transport within the city is horse and carriage, however a light rail system is being built. There are many classes within Hausken, the rich stay close to the city centre and the richer districts. The poor unfortunately take up residence in the less desirable areas, predominately the Slums. There is a criminal element that runs strong through Hausken, providing what is needed to people when legal means don’t work.  
Theme: Steam Punk
Races: Human; Elf; Dwarf; Goblin; Ascended (with Celestials Daemonkin; Magical Constructs  

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